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Topics - smoula

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Pexessonne (Memossonne/ memonne)
« on: September 10, 2024, 12:09:51 AM »
Hi everyone. I want to introduce our Carcassonne variant of Pexeso (Memo) game with Carcassonne tiles.
I already showed to few guys in Carcassonne last weekend ( @MMike , @Linkarssonne ).

Rules is simple:
- you need to find two same tiles in 64 tiles face down (same like original)
- if you find pair , you take it if front of you and start/continue build your own landscape, then continue like in normal memo game (tiles must be same (also coat of arms), but additional graphics (pigs, trees, etc) doesn't matter.
- in the end of the game you count NOT PAIRS, bud COMPLETED FEATURES as usual Carcassonne rules (1pt per road, 2pt per city/coat of arms, 1pt per tile around cloister ... )
- who has more pts , win the game

note: Use base game and few tiles from 20th anniversary edition. Then you can see , few tiles are more than twice - like stright road, cloisters withou road, etc., so its ok, but its more easier to collect "pair". There is also one exception: full city is in pair with "+" road (CCCC and RRRR).

See photo below ;-)

Sorry for my english  :-X

General / Question to Germany about BigBox C3
« on: October 21, 2022, 02:00:59 AM »
Hi everyone,
I am from Czech Republic, and we have a problem with new BigBox.
1. You can see on the picture, we have (not only me) , shift printed back side of one of the messenger tile. Do you have same ?
2. Can you confirm/disprove if BigBox has same corner as separate base game ? In Czech BigBox has same like before - less rounded corner, but base game has more rounded corner.


The Marketplace / BUY : Carcassonne : The Dice game
« on: October 20, 2019, 10:58:30 PM »
Hi everyone,
I want to buy Carcassonne : The dice game.
Do anyone has it for sell to Czech Republic or Germany?
Thanks a lot.

Online Games and Competitions / Carcass ONE
« on: October 02, 2019, 12:20:15 AM »
Hi everyone,
I want to show you my project - Carcass ONE. This is simple game on Carcassonne base for ONE player - just one, no opponents.
Try to place tiles (which everyone knows) to complete roads and cities. After completing roads will be disappear (like in tetris).
Here is a link and more information -
You can play in browser, but for better performance I preffer to download and play exe (windows - just extract and play) or apk (android).

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