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Messages - Piet_Agoras

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The phantom for me please :)

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: February 14, 2019, 01:37:08 PM »
Thank you Singing Dwarf for the game. Here is the correct screenshot :)

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: February 07, 2019, 03:00:50 AM »
I've send a pm to Singing Dwarf. Hopefully i will be able to complete my tournament :)

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: February 06, 2019, 01:47:51 AM »
I'm available tonight, saturday-evening and probably on sunday as well...

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: January 27, 2019, 05:13:39 AM »
I'm available as of now for the rest of the day.

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: January 18, 2019, 12:10:08 PM »
Very hard battle fought with Sinscerly tonight. I got lucky to be able to block 4 meeples of him inside the city. That enabled me to make full use of my other meeples. Thank you for the this fight of the lowlands :). Really had fun figuring the tactics out.

Piet_Agoras 3.5: Points / Cities / Cloisters / (Fields got split)
Sinscerly 1.5: Roads / (Fields got split)

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: January 18, 2019, 11:21:28 AM »

I have been in touch with Maj. Frost, and he informs me that, due to other commitments, he will be unable to play his fixtures.

Further to this, I have had a chat with my friend Halfling, and he has kindly agreed to take his place in League 'A' as Halfling2.

Could you therefore please arrange future fixtures with him?

I have not heard from some members of the league for a little while now and need to know if you are still wanting to participate. Please send me a PM asap to indicate that you intend to play and complete your fixtures. This only applies to those of you who have not yet played a league match. I am assuming that all others will carry on to the bitter end, like me.

Wouldn't it be more logical if Maj. Frost wasn't replaced?  We were with 7, so with him forfeiting we are still 6, a full division.

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: January 14, 2019, 01:46:12 AM »
Still open slots for challenges this week:

Taken slots
Wednesday by Sinscerly (20.00 CET ok?)
Thursday by TheSteveAllen (What time?)
Saturday by my girlfriend. (We go shopping, can some please send rescue?)

Leagues (including expansion leagues) / Re: CCDL - League 'A' Winter 2018
« on: January 10, 2019, 02:05:25 AM »
This week is a problem for me, but next week i can play on the following slots:
Monday 14/1 from 20:00 (GMT+1)
Tuesday 15/1 from 20:00 (GMT+1)
Wednesday 16/1 from 20:00 (GMT+1)
Thursday 17/1 from 20:00 (GMT+1)
Friday 18/1 from 20:30 (GMT+1)
Saturday 19/1 from 12:00 to 16:00 (GMT+1)
Sunday 20/1 from 12:00 to 20:00 (GMT+1)

Also, thank you Dan for organising this challenge. I participated in 2017, and i was really keen on participating again in 2018. I really enjoyed the rush to get in the answers as quickly as possible :)

Well done dronedrone for a thoroughly tough contest.  Based on your response speeds, I'd love to know what your technique was!  I only came close to your fastest response time once and that was because I hit refresh on the 'unread posts' page a moment before going to lunch.  Based on your times at the start of the contest, I feared I was out of the running, simply because I was too slow with other commitments (like having a job!) But it seems you had a couple of days where you had similar and I was on holiday.

@Decar: I think you may be confusing dronedrone with Piet Agoras as it was actually him who posted several of the fastest response times (including more than one sub-minute response! :o). While Piet Agoras faded a bit in the second half of the competition, dronedrone's consistency is what enabled him to generate so many points even if his individual responses weren't always as quick.

Oh dear! Let's hope that isn't a question in next year's quiz, I'll get two members confused :(

So Piet, how were you so blooming fast!?!

By being in the office when Dan posts his questions :)

(Having a seperate Chrome-window with 3 tabs open helps also. One with this thread, one with the search page ready, one with a DM ready with subject and receipient already filled in. As soon as I see the mail coming in, I go to the first tab, hit refresh, read the question, go to the second tab, fill in the keyword, hit search, scan trough results, open third tab, fill in answer, hit send. )

Second half of the quiz, I was working on location and there I couldn't answer immediatly.

Allright! Looking forward to this :)

I'll take the phantom.

I'm in.
But I have a few questions...

Isn't it weird that you can win the game, but lose 1-4 in the league?
Shouldn't it be more logical that a win would award 4 points? That you are at least assured of a 'league-draw' when you win the game?

How are the final standings calculated? The logical thing would be
1. Match Wins
2. Match Points
4. Game PD
Or will it be another way?

Will there be a pyramid? Or will it be more linear? How many people will promote/drop?

The purpose of this tournament is to get as many people as possible playing Carcassonne again. We have put our heads together and come out with the idea that there is more to 'success' than winning matches. The game itself has 'small battles' inherent in it (eg a fight over winning a big city, or a farm battle). All we have done is extended the idea to make it more fun for people to play without worrying too much about always losing. There are other goals namely, changing your game to win league points and not matches. We are currently testing it out and it seems to be quite successful.

The tables will run on 'league points' with the top two out of 6 getting promoted and the bottom 2 getting relegated. The idea is that we end up with several divisions full of people of roughly the same ability who want to play and are not frightened off from playing by the 'experts'.
Thank you TheSteveAllen for this quick answer. Now I understand better where the idea is coming from  :(y)

I'm in.
But I have a few questions...

Isn't it weird that you can win the game, but lose 1-4 in the league?
Shouldn't it be more logical that a win would award 4 points? That you are at least assured of a 'league-draw' when you win the game?

How are the final standings calculated? The logical thing would be
1. Match Wins
2. Match Points
4. Game PD
Or will it be another way?

Will there be a pyramid? Or will it be more linear? How many people will promote/drop?

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