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Messages - Guesclin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
General / Re: The Castles – Element of the Week #37
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:28:31 AM »
Actually castles are a lot of fun when playing with 3 or more. They are a bit powerfull considering they can mooch of large cities but i feel they deliver quite a lot of strategic depth to the gameplay.

General / Re: I love the postman...
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:07:12 PM »
Like, is it me or are a lot of boxes adorned with slightly amorous looking women? Like new And old basegame, winter carcassonne, southseas....

There was someone on here talking about a German company that does BB5 for 30
It is the "real"-supermarket - on this site you can search for a market

Nearly everywhere in Germay the children get St. Nicolas presents in the morning of the 6th of December. You have to clean a shoe and place it at the doorway. I think in the netherlands you get bigger presents ...
Thereafter St. Nicolas goes to the pole, fetches the reindeers and flies to the United States for the 24th of December. He masquerades as Santa Claus ... (In German he's called Sankt Nikolaus) while in Germany the children get their presents from the Christmas man (in Northern Germany / whom they call Father Christmas in England) or from the Christ Child himself (in Southern Germany).

I think the St. Nicolas action will be of HiG or Cundco themselves, not of 999 games in the Netherlands

Well at least the germans are more creative with namegiving. In holland Santa Claus is called "De Kerstman" Which literally translates into "The Christmasguy"

It was Cundco answering the mail so it think it was them.

They know i'm dutch cause i ordered from them before. And the german Saint Nicolas does excist.I just don't think it's that widespread in Germany. Anyways i think its good news if u can order the tile in another way.

Im in deutschland atm.. i havent seen saint nicolas stuff yett. Every store has christmas stuff already..

Well that's what they emailed me. Maybe they realise they have a dutch fanbase or its a regional thing

The Spiel 2014 site did say the would try to make ém available to buy afterwrds. Any1 got any news on that?

Kind regards

I just ordered the besieger and halfing expansion from cundco and i asked them if they would make an exeption and include a spiel 2014 tile. This was the answer i received.

"thanks for your order. We're really sorry but the promo tile was exclusively for the Spiel 2014 and will not be sold (or give away) sepatately.
BUT, we'll include it in future special actions,maybe for Saint Nicolas, so keep your eyes open. ;-)"

So it seems we'll be able to get it on a later date afterall.

(P.s: Dutch and German Saint nicolas is on the fifth/sixth of december. It's like santa claus without the christmas, obesity and radio-active reindeer)

News and Events / Re: Spiel 2014 at Essen
« on: October 19, 2014, 11:02:50 AM »
I hope your wife feels better soon. Will this be your first child?

I feel your pain. But being a dad is better than owning every edition of every game, and every expansion with them!

Well she is doing better. She gets a hard Belly when she does 2 much And gets upset easily so iTS a new experience especially since this is this is The first child. So it is exciting And Busy. Only 12more weeks.

News and Events / Re: Spiel 2014 at Essen
« on: October 19, 2014, 10:58:41 AM »
Well, that was a short trip. Made it all The way to The parking lot in Essen .Sadly my wife didn,t feel well (pregnant) so  i had to turn around. Did get my money back though. Sigh. Anybody know when the darmstadt Expansion will be for sale?

Merit for you, for being a good husband!  :) :(y)

I can imagine how my boyfriend would react if we were in that situation... "suck it in, we ARE going!!".....  :o

The Finnish male sympathy... *sighs*  :(

Yes Well considering her temper combined with her raging hormones i think The phrase "suck it in" would have started an interesting discussion. So staying wasnt an option ;)  Thanx 4 The sympathie. I don't know about The finish male. But i do know The made Some though phones And had The best sniper in The world so i can imagine they are hard.

News and Events / Re: Spiel 2014 at Essen
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:44:12 AM »
Well, that was a short trip. Made it all The way to The parking lot in Essen .Sadly my wife didn,t feel well (pregnant) so  i had to turn around. Did get my money back though. Sigh. Anybody know when the darmstadt Expansion will be for sale?

General / Re: Which fan expansions do you regularly play?
« on: October 16, 2014, 01:43:27 PM »
The metropole. ITS not on The list but iTS about 10 years old. Instant war. Excellent

But what does the platchen do? Cure ebola? Get Katy Perry 2 follow me on Twitter ? Allow me to talk about fight club?

Looks like my wife actually wants to go. Ill try to bring extra for the list if you guys don't mind and if there are copies left.

News and Events / Re: New Spielbox Expansion - "half and half"
« on: October 14, 2014, 10:31:15 AM »
About a month ago I told my cousin about Half and Half and to this day he doesn't believe me this expansion exist.

Some of reasons as to why are:
- I can't say Half and Half with a straight face to him
- Explaining the tile's shape, that they are indeed triangles, is just way too farfetched of an idea

And he refuses to look it up for himself because he think's I'm just messing with him!  >:D

Hell it took me 5 years to get my wife to accept carcassonne might be a Nice game. And altough she enjoys it now she was really surprised there actually is a forum. Which i probably shouldn't have mentioned cause her form of humor would be to subribe And start trolling around in here...dammit

News and Events / Re: Spiel 2014 at Essen
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:08:20 AM »
Amy chance of getting an entry ticket ?
Sorry, I don't have free tickets and it is to late to ask my contacts, because they are almost on the way to the fair.

Here are some pictures:
HiG - twitter

No prob. Thanx 4 The effort anyways.

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