good game yesterday night with danisthirty and rosco! I lose but they are very strong! and I'm really happy that finally I have played with members of this forum! is always nice to know how the other people play carcassonne and I hope to join the next league on JCZ!

Well played, it was a great game!
I'd say all 3 of us were fairly evenly matched and that the final scores didn't really reflect how close the game was from start to finish. Since your large meeple was trapped for the whole time I'd say you did exceptionally well to keep yourself in the game!
The only reason I won was because I drew the cccr tile to close the big city (luck) as this won me the King tile as well as the trade goods and a share of the points with Rosco. The fact that you were cut out of this, and then that Rosco won the farm outright with only a few tiles to go were pretty tough breaks for you and something that anyone would have struggled to have come back from...