I just found this official FAQ covering MoC on Dized (the company preparing tutorials and digital rules for Carcassonne and other games):https://rules.dized.com/game/_1ZD1vKwSSOMSXmHbfRsLA/faqDon't know if it provides anything out of the ordinary.
On Dized, there is one answer in the FAQ which is really bothering me. I have asked them to please check their answer with the publisher or the author. (in the attachment below you can see what I have written to them).I already got the reply that they have written to the publisher and that they are now waiting for the answer.Thumbs up to Dized for taking my question seriously There is another answer in the FAQ which was interesting and which I have now incorporated into my checklists. I will update the checklists in this threat shortly (and also add Level 6 for 2 players)
Started by Meepledrone
Started by Buselaar
Started by Whaleyland
Started by Decar