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Messages - Challa007

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News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 07, 2024, 12:39:38 PM »
haben die wirklich von Sommer und Herbst geredet? Sie hat sich da nicht versprochen und meinte Frühling und Herbst?
Ich finde es echt ungewöhnlich, dass sie gleich zwei Minis gleichzeitig rausbringen wollen ...
... aber wäre ja toll, wenn es stimmt ...  :D

Vielen Dank @baluderbaer , dass du die Info hier mit uns geteilt hast!

News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 07, 2024, 10:04:22 AM »
Yes, there will be a new currently unknown mini released with the Advent sale

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News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 07, 2024, 06:04:53 AM »
There will be a new mini for the Advent sale, then Wonders 2., the new coasters…

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I completely re-organised the first post of this thread and added a suggestion for a feasable level 6. Now the toolbox for Mists over Carcassonne seems complete...
(but more things are in my pipeline, stay tuned  ;) )

Check it out

I have added a little strategy guide to my checklists.  :D

In fact, I make strategy comments on a documented real game. If you have still difficulties with this game, you might find this helpful.

Try this out as a challenge:
you play the game in parallel and make your own tile placement choices BEFORE you read the choices other players made or I suggest.
I hope this is a fun way to get into the spirit of this game.


You will find the download link in the first post of this thread:

I decided to incorporate all comments in one pdf document  :D

note: this is still a work in progress

Currently I made comments on 23 tile placements - which is half of the game  :D

Edit October 6th, 2024: I removed the link, the final document is now available in the first post  :D

Tile 8
Again, the perfect tile for a joint city .
The tile placement is fine because it offers the possibility of a joint city with the city segment on the right. For a joint city 2 more tiles are needed.
In my alternative suggestion only one tile is needed to join the two city segments.

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Tile 5, 6, 7

The tile placements are fine.

Here the second player should definitively have used the blue meeple on tile 6.
In the current situation player 2 has used all the green meeples whereas player 1 has two of each colour available, which is better.

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Tile 4

This tile offers the perfect opportunity to create a joint city but unfortunately the tile placement was not done accordingly.
Hence my alternative suggestion.
In addition, player 2 should have used the blue meeple.

The players need to pay attention to the colours of the meeples they use. The reason again are joint cities. You want to have both colours available for placement as often as possible.
Attention: in a two player game each player gets meeples in two colours. Each player in their turn can choose freely between these two colours. But in your turn you cannot place a meeple of the other player (even if this is a cooperative game)

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Tile 2 and 3

Tile placements are fine but I would have placed the meeple on tile 3 on the city instead of the road.
Remember: you want to create joint cities and for that the city segments need to have meeples as soon as possible.

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Tile 1

Background Information:
One of the goals in this game is to build as many cities as possible with many different meeples of different colours in one city.
In the normal Carcassonne game we try to get into the cities of our opponents. Exactly the same needs to be done in this cooperative variant with the difference that it is crucial to do this as often as possible in order to win.

Comments on the tile placement:
1) the tile placement is ok when it comes to mist, but eliminates the possibility to create a multi-Color-meeple city (joint city) and it is crucial to do this from the beginning.
In addition there are enough ghosts at the moment, thus my alternative suggestion which opens the possibility to create a joint city.

2) a meeple should have been placed on the city

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There are people who have studied my checklists but still find the game difficult and cannot master level 3 for example.
One of these persons has sent  me pictures of their last game so that I can have a look to find what they are doing wrong…
I thought it might be an excellent idea to make these comments available to many people because Mist over Carcassonne clearly needs a little strategy and focus on specific goals (in my humble opinion) …

So I will post the game here with my comments over many consecutive posts.
In this first post I post a picture with the tiles  that were drawn and the sequence.
Please read by rows from left to right (like when reading).

In each following post I will comment the tile placements.
The pictures will show the placement done by the person who asked for my advice and maybe my alternative tile placement suggestions.

So let’s start.
Game setup:
2 players, level 3
Player 1 red and black
Player 2 green and blue

NOTE: this is a work in progress, so I might modify things in earlier posts while moving forward .... :D

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News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 03, 2024, 03:31:33 AM »
If you want real time updates from Spiel 2024 in Essen, you should join the Carcassonnecentral Discord server.
@Linkarsonne just posted there a picture of the Spiel 24 tile
Here is his picture

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News and Events / Re: ESSEN 2024
« on: October 01, 2024, 12:14:44 PM »
I expect a picture of the Spiel 24 tile AS SOON AS the gates open in Essen .....  C:-)
ok, I add 5 min because you have to buy something first....  >:D

Thank youuuuuuuuu  ;)

News and Events / Re: HiG and the Oktoberfest 2024
« on: September 25, 2024, 04:43:39 AM »
I placed an order at which just got delivered. Here the coaster I got (front and rear view)

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