Hi all,
I got a response from Cundco.de this morning.
Just as a reminder:
- Issue #1: The monastery is supposed to be completed in the example (so it is scored), but there is an unoccupied printed space top left from the monastery tile with no land tile. So the example is scoring an uncompleted monastery instead.
- Issue #2: The monastery has adjacent tiles and a diagonally adjacent printed city segment (bottom left). The latter segment is not counted as a tile in the example included in the rules to my surprise.
Here you are the reply from Cundco.de. It was in English:
thank you for your email. regarding issue#1 you are right. Thanks for the hint. There must be another tile diagonally and the score should then be 5 for 5 tiles. We will update the rules here, sorry.
Regarding issue#2 the rules are right. For the monastery only the tiles count as normally. The printed city segment abroad doesn’t count in this case.
Best regards
Andreas Kramer
Carcassonne & Co GmbH
As a result, the German rules available at Cundco.de have been updated too.
Regarding Issue #2, this means that printed tiles containing city and road segments abroad are not taken into consideration when scoring a monastery. Therefore, monastery scoring only takes into consideration:
- Regular land tiles, as per the normal rules
- Printed big city tiles adjacent to the monastery tile
Thus monasteries on the border of the map score in a different way than roads and cities on the border of the map: Roads an cities consider segments abroad whereas monasteries don't.
I updated WICA to reflect all this.
http://wikicarpedia.com/index.php/Carcassonne_Maps_-_GermanyFootnotes #2 and #3 explain all this for future readers.