Sometimes when I take a break from work or projects, I like to surf the net for images. Figure I share a few here that are interesting. Edited some of these posts to make the image more forum friendly. Original image linked below it.1. Carcassonne Bracelets (plastic) Original size: 'art-lemming':
Pretty stuff!! I wonder if that bracelet is made from shrinking plastic or polymer clay or something else? Hmm... Either way it's very cool and I like it!!
Been a while posted anything here. Haven't had the time to browse as of late.But this one was found randomly when looking for something else:Found on flickr and uploaded there by Chris Edwards (cjedwards47) in 2009.This is Carcassonne LEGO Pirate themed, which I guess one could call a predecessor to South Seas.
this was very popular on Twitter a few weeks ago:Apparently it's playable but I don't know what you're supposed to do with it!
take a look at these - I just found them on for a carcassonne convention but i think probably a little too geeky for any other time!
Started by quevy
Started by PapaGeek
Started by kettlefish
Started by biowanderer