Author Topic: Dan's Carcassonne Sale  (Read 1512 times)

Offline danisthirty

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Dan's Carcassonne Sale
« on: February 27, 2024, 07:12:08 AM »
Yo dudes! :) :(y)

Since discovering Carcassonne in 2012 I spent over a decade building my collection of Carcassonne expansions, promos and the many special editions and rarities that once filled my boardgame shelves. It certainly wasn't a cheap hobby by any stretch of the imagination, but I loved the buzz I felt every time something new arrived and constantly rearranging my display to make sure everything was presented as perfectly as it possibly could be. I also loved that visitors were always amazed by everything I had, although somewhat surprised that so much of it remained unopened. But my real joy came from simply owning everything I owned (rather than playing it) and that's how it continued for many happy, busy, expensive years...

Fast forward to today and I'm somewhat less in love with Carcassonne than I used to be. Not for any particular reason; I still play the game every now and again, but have distanced myself from much of the competitive international scene that I used to be so closely involved with, and it's been years since my collection brought me the same joy or excitement as it used to. :( I guess it had to run out sooner or later! This aside, I don't have any plans to disappear from here any time soon, and will continue to hold my position and keep paying the bills, even if I'm not exactly one of the regulars anymore. I do however feel that the time is now right for me to part with the majority of what I've collected, so that it can go on to spark others' excitement and bring them closer to that ever-elusive state of "completion".

Unfortunately I can't afford to give anything away as I have done with my giveaways of previous years, but I have tried to price things fairly based on their rarity, condition and what's currently available. Money aside, my main hope is that everything will find a good home to go to and form part of other collections that bring just as much joy to their owners as mine used to bring to me (this is why I'm listing my sales here rather than on eBay on BGG Marketplace).

At present I have eight items to sell (although there will be more to follow). Each item has a post of its own which includes details, starting price and some photos. For convenience I've provided links to each of these eight posts below. If you see anything you're in need of for your own collection then please bid on the specific item/ post and I'll finalise things on Friday the 8th March by arranging payment and postage with the winning/ highest bidders:

Best wishes and good luck finding something you need!

« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 03:09:31 PM by danisthirty »

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