... but the link provided on the WikiCarPedia page for the Bards expansion only pops up an error message that we don’t have “permission” to upload the file so we can see the tiles!
Bards (by trebuchet) is available through both CarcC and CarcF - there are links to both on the Fan Expansion Selector page.
The CarcC entry takes you to the Downloads page, but the actual expansion file is then on Mediafire.
On CarcF, there are two options, Google and Dropbox (if you have been granted access to the Downloads area). I tend to pick Dropbox as Google sometimes asks for a log in, or asks you to send a message to the owner to give you explicit permission to access the file.
Was this what you did? What link did you try to follow?
I usually find Mediafire opens up separate advertising windows through the browser - personally I don't like this approach, but realise that this host was widely used 10 or more years ago as a shared file store.
I've also taken a look at the page on WICA that's been created for "The Bards of Carcassonne". It appears to be "Under Construction". The rules are present, but there are no images.