Author Topic: La Porxada question  (Read 12673 times)

Offline JT Atomico

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La Porxada question
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:35:33 AM »
The second option for La Porxada is as follows (from S-CAR v6.4):

2) At the end of the game, any player who had a Knight in the city containing La Porxada may score all unfinished cities containing his or her followers as if they were finished.360 This scoring bonus will only occur if the city containing La Porxada is finished.361

When we last played this tile along with some other expansions there was an argument over what exactly was meant by "any player who had a Knight in the city containing La Porxada". There were a few different interpretations:

1. Any player who had a knight in the city at any time, which means that even if your knight is later removed from the city by the princess or the dragon or a corn circle, etc. then you should still get the bonus.

2. Any player who had a knight in the city when the city was completed, which means that removed knights do not get the bonus and neither do knights brought in via the City of Carcassonne (from The Count expansion), as the city is already completed when they are added.

3. Any player who had a knight in the city when the city was scored, which means that City of Carcassonne knights brought in to the city would get the bonus.

A strict reading of the rules would suggest that option 1 is correct (I think), but personally I feel that option 3 is correct according to the "spirit" of the rule.

Any opinions? Can we form a community consensus to add a clarification for the next CAR?


Offline Carcking

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 07:20:44 AM »
We have played this a couple of times so far. It's not well thought of in our group so it doesn't come out often. Because of the subjective nature of the rule, which you point out, we actually house-ruled that you must have at least one follower in the city at end game. When/if the city is completed during the game it is not scored - but rather remains unscored and "incomplete" - and each player with follower(s) in the city has the option to withdraw any/all of their followers at that time. Any followers left in the city remain there till game end unless removed by other certain game mechanics. A player must have at least one follower in the city by game end in order to enjoy the benefit of his partial cities scoring as completed cities. In this way there is some kind of sacrifice or a risk required in order to enjoy the end-game benefit - you must invest your follower for the duration of the game or get him in the city by game end.

It also makes other mechanics like the dragon, tower, plague, count, corn circles, flier, magic gates, etc. very interesting because we consider the city incomplete (and able to be entered) until end game scoring - at which time the incomplete cities are scored with the benefit and then the city is finally scored using normal ownership rules, and only then considered complete for farm scoring.
I just drew the perfect tile for my MonKnighThieFarmer!

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2014, 12:37:20 PM »
We have played this a couple of times so far. It's not well thought of in our group so it doesn't come out often. Because of the subjective nature of the rule, which you point out, we actually house-ruled that you must have at least one follower in the city at end game. When/if the city is completed during the game it is not scored - but rather remains unscored and "incomplete" - and each player with follower(s) in the city has the option to withdraw any/all of their followers at that time. Any followers left in the city remain there till game end unless removed by other certain game mechanics. A player must have at least one follower in the city by game end in order to enjoy the benefit of his partial cities scoring as completed cities. In this way there is some kind of sacrifice or a risk required in order to enjoy the end-game benefit - you must invest your follower for the duration of the game or get him in the city by game end.

It also makes other mechanics like the dragon, tower, plague, count, corn circles, flier, magic gates, etc. very interesting because we consider the city incomplete (and able to be entered) until end game scoring - at which time the incomplete cities are scored with the benefit and then the city is finally scored using normal ownership rules, and only then considered complete for farm scoring.

I have played La Porxada a couple of times and it was always the first option that came up. However we were convinced that some such amendment to the rules as this is very necessary. Please could we have this added as a house-rule to the CAR?

Offline obervet

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2014, 10:07:59 AM »
Carcking, as long is it's okay with you, I will add your house rule to the next version of the CAR.

Offline Carcking

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2014, 10:23:40 AM »
Carcking, as long is it's okay with you, I will add your house rule to the next version of the CAR.

Absolutely obervet!

Just a note regarding the timing of deploying a follower out of the City of Carcassonne: Followers are deployed out of the City of Carcassonne when the particular feature scores. Since the La Porxada city does not score until after the benefit is executed, players may not move from the City of Carcassonne into the La Porxada city to enjoy the benefit it offers. They may enter it from the City when it finally scores, which is after the benefit is realized.

Can anyone else think of any other game mechanics that need to be accounted for and covered?
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 10:58:15 AM by Carcking »

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2014, 11:03:44 AM »
Okay, I've added the house rule to La Porxada for the next CAR. I think adding the house rule doubled the length of the La Porxada section.   :)

Offline asparagus

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2014, 04:10:41 PM »
Okay, I've added the house rule to La Porxada for the next CAR. I think adding the house rule doubled the length of the La Porxada section.   :)


Offline DrMeeple

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2019, 03:40:36 AM »
A friend who was in the National Carcassonne tournament in Spain in 2010 has "la porxada" and was able to know the rules in his day, and he knows Oriol Comas (the creator of the expansion and a well-known game designer here in Spain and who works with Devir very often) asked him to clarify the most frequent doubts. I passed an extract from the conversation that came to me:

‘I answer here, in case anyone has the same doubt with the second use of Porxada (which is very reasonable to have this doubt). There must be a way to mark who has participated in the closing of ‘la porxada’ (with wooden cubes, with paper balls or even, as some people have done, making 5 photocopies of ‘La porxada’ tile and plasticizing- as a token mark to be distributed among those who have closed the city of La Porxada).

However, there is a second level doubt that interpreting the rules by line is solved: at the end of the game, cities that aren’t closed as closed have the players that have:

A.- Closed and rated the city of La Porxada?
B.- What has closed the city of La Porxada (although I don’t rate it)?
C.- Those who have had meeples in the city of La Porxada (although they didn’t score it in the end to remain in a minority of meeples)?

The answer is C.

So everyone who adds to the "party" of ‘La Porxada’ can pick up extra points at the end of the game.

I have answered the question ????’

I hope this serves to clarify those things that were confusingly written from my point of view and that of many people.
I mix expansions at my own risk.

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2019, 03:44:27 PM »
La Porxada page on WICA has been updated accordingly.
Questions about rules? Check WICA:

Offline DrMeeple

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2019, 05:16:09 PM »
La Porxada page on WICA has been updated accordingly.
Great! Amazing Meepledrone! +1!

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Re: La Porxada question
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2019, 02:45:24 PM »
Thanks again for your help!  :(y)

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