If you look at the words on the WikiCarPedia page, they basically say only one bridge, but their last example brings up the question of multiple bridges!
WikiCarPedia Quotes:
Just like in the base game, you must place tiles so that its edges match the edges of the tiles already in play. After placing a tile,
you may place one bridge, which counts as a road and connects roads over features or meeples on that tile.
You can place a bridge on the tile you just placed, or on a tile touching the tile you just placed. When placing a bridge, you must place both ends in a field, and it must be placed facing either left-to-right or up-to-down (it cannot be placed diagonally across the tile). Once placed, a bridge remains on that tile until the end of the game.
You can place a tile so that a road ends against a field, but you must place a bridge that continues the road on that same turn.
You can use multiple bridges in a row along the same road, but each tile can have a maximum of only one bridge on it. Bridges can be placed on tiles with meeples on them.

The first two examples are relatively clear, placing a single tile, then placing a single bridge on either the tile you just placed, or the tile next to it.

The last example is not clear at all! It does not include a tilted tile that was just placed or an image with arrows on either bridge being placed! Is it an example of “
you may place one bridge” from the first paragraph? Blue places the Monastery which requires placing one bridge over it to follow the words in the last paragraph “
You can use multiple bridges in a row along the same road”!
- or -
Is it showing how the RFRF tile
AND the Monastery tile already existed without the bridges on either tile when a player draws the CRRF tile that will allow them to complete the city which cannot be seen above these example tiles. Is it an example of “
You can use multiple bridges in a row along the same road” as long as there is only one bridge per tile, or, does the “
you may place one bridge” in the first paragraph say that this is illegal?
Linkback: https://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=5622.0