Great game with danisthirty and Decar last night with I&C, T&B and the phantom.
Final scores:
During the first half of the game, we gradually accumulated points with Dan and Decar in the lead after sharing a decent city while everyone got a feel for the game. There were a few big early moves:
- Dan trapped my big meeple and builder in a city, but I luckily drew the one CFRF tile to complete the city about halfway through the game.
- I trapped Decar's builder in another city which he couldn't recover.
- Dan played his big meeple on a farm pretty early on, with 77 tiles still remaining. I eventually did the same.
By about the halfway stage, the main narrative of the game was set, with Decar consistently in the lead by 15-20 points but Dan and I battling for the biggest farm, setting the stage for a close finish. I managed to tie the main farm with fewer than 10 tiles left (bottom left corner of the board) and that pretty much clinched the game for me as I already had a small lead over Dan and also had two eight-point cloisters on the board and outright ownership of two of the trade goods, all of which allowed me to overtake Decar too. I was a bit surprised at the final score because it felt like a much closer game throughout.
Thanks for the game, let's do it again soon!