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Topics - rfielder

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Farin -  just finished a game with jungleboy, using the JCZ 3.1.1 online game server.

Throughout the game, I was getting a red band across the top of the screen with an error message: "NoSuchElementException".  Screen shot attached.

It went away on it's own once, and I closed it twice.  Did not come back after the last time I closed it.

Screen shot attached.

JCloisterZone FAQ, Suggestions & Bug Reports / JCZ 3.1.1
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:30:18 AM »
There was no announcement here, but when I started JCZ 3.1.0, it told me there was a new version available.

I downloaded 3.1.1, and have installed it on all my PCs and my server.

farin - can 3.1.0 play with 3.1.1?

Also, I am trying to play online, to see if there are any changes, and it is not connecting.  Just sitting there, saying "connecting" for far, far too long.  Has the server been upgraded to 3.1.1?

How are the competitions matches being played - with the online server, or linking to each other's PCs/laptops?

JCloisterZone FAQ, Suggestions & Bug Reports / JCZ 3.1 Enhancement Requests
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:31:04 PM »
One of the controls listed is to use the middle mouse button (wheel?) to centre the board.

Can I request that there be a key assigned to this as well?  Using the middle mouse button does not work on any of the PCs I am using.  Perhaps the "C" key?

A second request - can the help screen be updated to include all keys?  It is missing the Ctrl-Z for Undo.  It may be missing others, I have not looked real close.



YAER - Yet Another Enhancement Request.

At the end of a game, the Game Overview screen appears, with the playing area behind it.

While the Game Overview dialogue box is visible, it has the focus.  All keystrokes are directed to it.

Would it be possible to have keyboard output still directed to the playing area while the Game Overview is visible?  Specificially, the X and F keys, so you can turn on and off the Farm Hints, and the last tile placements.

I am finding that while trying to understand how a game ended, these two items can be useful, but they can also obscure some of the meeple placements, and depending on the colours used, some of the scores shown on the playing area.  By being able to turn on or off the Farm Hints and the last tile placements, you will be able to see the play area better.

This does mean redirecting keyboard output to either the Game Overview dialogue box or the main window, depending on which keys are pressed.  Therefore, this may not be possible.  It it is possible, it could be very useful.

Thank you, and Happy New Year!

JCloisterZone FAQ, Suggestions & Bug Reports / JCZ keYboArd
« on: November 13, 2014, 11:24:38 AM »
Just a minor thing - JCZ does not respond to the keyboard commands if the caps lock is turned on.

Can this be changed, so that JCZ is case insensitive?


Official Rules / The Princess and the Phantom
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:07:29 PM »
Per the discussion in the section "JCloisterZone FAQ, Suggestions & Bug Reports", titled "Princess<-->Phantom rule clarification", at:

I would like to ask for an official clarification.

The rule for the Princess, as found on page 57 of the CAR, states:
If a knight is removed from the city, the player may not deploy or move any other figure (including follower, builder, pig, mayor, barn, wagon, or fairy)

On page 125 of the CAR, footnote #386, a partial quote of the rule from page 57 is used to justify saying that:
The placement of a princess tile (Princess & Dragon) with removal of a knight from the city cannot be used as a first “follower move” and be followed by placement of the Phantom (e.g. into the now-vacated city).

The footnote on page 125 of the CAR is an interpretation of the rules.  I would suggest that this interpretation needs official clarification, for several reasons.

I suspect that the rule for the Princess was created before the Phantom was introduced.  The rule makes sense, in that removing a knight is the "move the wood" turn.  Therefore, you should not be able to do anything with any of the pieces identified.

However, the placing the Phantom always follows "move the wood". 

Also, if this rule applies to the Phantom, it creates an exception to how the Phantom is used.  The use of the Phantom is consistent for all other situations, creating some very powerful game changing situation.

Therefore, I am not clear if this rule should or does apply to the Phantom.

If the Princess rule does apply to the Phantom, then it would be good if the official rules could be updated to identify the Phantom in the list of pieces that can not be moved.

If the Princess rule does not apply to the Phantom, it would be very good to get an official ruling to this effect.

Thank you.

Ran into a bug in JCZ3.0.1 yesterday, when I placed a tower piece and the game hung.

The only follower within range of the tower was an abbot - the sideways meeple on a German monastery.  JCZ does not allow a tower to capture an abbot.

I have started a separate discussion in the Official Rules section, to determine if a tower can capture an abbot.  That is not the point of this message.  My point here, and a warning to all, is the game hung.  Had to close the game.

It would seem that JCZ was insisting that I remove something, but the only follower was the abbot, so there was nothing I could do.

Two issues, far as I can see.

First, placing a tower piece does NOT require that you remove a follower.  You may be building the tower so that it reaches further.

Second, is that the game hung.

And, of course, there is the issue of the rules.

I did the bug report to Farin.  This message is to warn anyone who is playing with the tower expansion that this can happen.

Official Rules / Abbot and Tower
« on: October 08, 2014, 06:08:48 PM »
Can a tower capture an abbot?

In JCloisterZone, it can not.  In fact, the game hung on us tonight because of this....

I can't find anything in the Complete Annotated Rules to indicate that a tower can, or can not, capture an abbot.

Did a search here, and didn't find any other discussions about the interactions between towers and abbots.


Before the next round of competition starts, I would like to ask for a clarification about the use of the River, or River II.

When playing against the AI, it did two left turns of the river with one tile inbetween.  This is not a true "U-turn", but it is very close.  Attached is a screen shot.

Elsewhere, I have seen different distances suggested, or even bans on U-turns.

The CAR, in footnote #36, is clear that U-Turns are forbidden.

What I would like to know is what rule will be applied for this competition?  How many tiles are needed between turns in the same direction?

Thank you.

One game played so far:  monwil vs rfielder.

Result:  no surprises.  :(   Looks like my non-winning streak from the first competition will hold steady.  Somehow, someplace, there must be a reward for consistency....   :)

To: farin, JCoisterZone author

Given that a lot of the gameplay with JCloisterZone is across the internet - and often across many, many internlational borders! - I would like to suggest a Host Mode for the game.

This would be a mode for the normal game, not a separate edition of the game, if my vision of how it works is possible.

The only difference between normal play and Host Mode, is that JCZ will automatically start a new game after a game ends.  The delay before the new game starts would be user selectable, but I would suggest it should be short.

This would be used in situations where the players are all connecting to a host PC.  The host PC is ONLY hosting the game.  No players are using the host PC.  Someone may be watching the game on the host PC, and using it for screen captures, but they are not interacting with the host PC during the game.

A lot of games in the recent competition have been played like this.  A few of us can host games, but many can not, so we have helped out by letting others connect to our PCs.  In these situations, we are acting as hosts, or game servers, not as players.

Once a game ends, there is no point in the host PC staying on the game, showing the results and the ending board.  Those also appear on the player's PCs.  The host PC can start the new game, ready for others to link in and make their selections.

I have JCZ running on my home server.  When my partner and I play, we both link to the server, not to each other.  This works well for us, but it would be even better if I did not have to go to the server and restart the game after she finishes kicking me to the curb YET AGAIN!   :)  Yeah, I ended up at the bottom of the recent competition for valid reasons....  :(

How I see Host Mode working:
Two new controls added to the JCZ opening screen:
Host Mode checkbox
Host Mode restart time - set the time, in seconds, before JCZ starts a new game

When JCZ is started on the hosting PC, the opening screen has a checkmark for Host Mode.  Once this has been checked, all other controls (except the timeout) are locked out.  It would be assumed that all interactions will come from the players linking to the hosting PC.

After the game, the host mode PC displays a count down time.  The timer would appear in a movable window, the same as the end game results window.  The timer window would have a Pause button.  This in case the person who is watching the game on the host PC wants to stop the timeout while they do screen captures.  Making the count down time use a movable window means it could be moved off the playing surface, thus not blocking the board.

After the count down timer reaches zero, a new game starts.  By default, if Host Mode is checked, it remains checked until the person at the keyboard of the host PC unchecks it.  This means there needs to be persistence of the Host Mode check box and the count down timer interval.  I am not sure how a Java application can achieve such persistence, but since JCZ does write an error file and game configuration files and can save games, I am sure it can write and read a setup file.

farin - do you think this can be done?  What is your evaluation of this suggestion?


JCloisterZone FAQ, Suggestions & Bug Reports / JCloisterZone 2.7
« on: June 28, 2014, 06:18:43 AM »
Surprised there are no messages about this yet.....we need to get the author to be a bit more proactive.

JCZ 2.7 has been released!

I gave it a quick try this morning, and it works.

Two enhancements that I saw mention of.  However, I have not found a change log:
Interaction that creates an issue with dragon movement and the Builder resolved
Undo key added

I would suggest that everyone involved in playing competition games upgrade.  We should all be at the same release level, JIC (Just In Case).

This game is scheduled for today (June 17, 2014) at 1700hrs EST.

My esteemed opponent has agreed to an experiment - allowing spectators to the game!

Anyone who wishes to watch the game progress live may link in between 4:45PM EST and 5:00PM EST.  The game will start at 5:00PM EST.

The rules are simple - once you link in and see the selections screen, you need do nothing.  No selecting meeples, no changing game options, etc.  Once the game begins, your screen will update automatically, so you see everything except the boxes that show available tile placement.

As spectators, you will also not be able to use the chat.  A word of warning - when I was experimenting with JCloisterZone to see how it would work, I tried using the chat.  I could type in some text, but the text was never sent to those playing the game.  The catch is that I could not clear the chat off my screen, so it obscured part of the game.

The IP for tonight's game is:
Standard port: 37447

I am located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, which is to the north-west of Toronto (home of the world's most famous mayor!) and just north of Mississauga (home of the world's older mayor!).  Games with players in Europe have been great, no lag or communications issues whatsoever.

Once the game is over, jungleboy and I will post the results to this discussion, as well as update the main League discussion.

JCloisterZone FAQ, Suggestions & Bug Reports / JCloisterZone Updates
« on: June 16, 2014, 06:06:09 AM »
Has anyone been in touch with the author of JCloisterZone?

Just wondering about fixes, and upgrade suggestions.

Mostly, I would like to know if there is any effort being put into further develop this application, and to fix the known interaction with the Dragon and the Builder.

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