Hi everyone, i'm still on a quest to find the original printing of the winter edition to go with my Gingerbread Man expansion and after being stung twice by buying bootleg copies, hoping some of you amazing detectives might be able to help me identify whether a listing on ebay is legit or bootleg again? There's a few photos that might help or you might have a suggestion on questions I could ask or photos to request? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the listing:https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/305606002960?itmmeta=01HZVS97CH0A7S69451T06H035&hash=item4727898910:g:FCkAAOSw~uBmYq~u&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4MSwujDZ3HtkzwcSsvRaczP4D%2BEvEIYc1Ze8p7rHkkPPg0zeB0KuTWJTl5v8XMGM5uXUSVpXBQ2i4t0lIPUOnm7OF8Ffh%2FT1C3rnqFcjKdKRDSEF5OQQbhtYXC9g%2BeYbA7YHlkiE375T3F33GOqR3hZQ1ESGBe7D3LoU02mEUMwk642GEodynfqW5xh2KBYsjSzKw%2B2hc5X84BukhSG26DEwxXOlyg%2B7w5%2BYVTzhILnsHcgxH7Z0aj%2BujqTDpOV89ql8hKkGhTFlWHPT%2FruJpA%2BG7lznjjlPMhqIeAGIsGBl%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7T2pPn-Yw
I think the best think you can do is to order new Winter edition 2022/2023, which is still only in French, Romanian and i think also in Bulgarian language. But French edition is also available in Canada (States).
…after being stung twice by buying bootleg copies…
Started by PapaGeek
Started by LaPorxada (aka BigBoss)
Started by aenima
Started by SRBO
Started by Rosco