Hi Carcking,
do we get a report from you how it was at the Gen Con Indy 2013?
kettlefish? Remember

, you asked for this. (I have been super busy with work since I got back and this was the first opportunity I had to jot something down.)
Well, I'm back. What can I say? GenCon was a blast - and I was thrilled by how much of a presence Carcassonne had this year - considering it was non-existent last year.
We started the weekend off with a 12 hour road trip that got us into Indy at around 8:30 am on Wednesday. In time for a good breakfast at Perkins. Then off to our first scheduled session - a one hour "How to" Kickstarter seminar at 11am. This was hosted by Game Salute (who did a fantastic job) and was very educational. There were publishers, retailers, designers, developers and end users there all asking an array of questions which made you think of things you hadn't even considered before. There is more than meets the eye to Kickstarter and many a pipe dreaming fellow have lost their shorts in meeting obligations and commitments. There is a lot to consider.
Then off to will-call and registration in the convention center. After that we all power-napped in the hotel for about two hours. They were 8 of us altogether in our troupe.
My wife and I had registered for an event called Carcassonne Kingdom. A four hour event starting at 8pm in the Union Station conference room. This was awesome, and what a way to kick it off:
There were 12 players (6 teams of 2) and they had a draw bag of over 1,000 tiles, plus we started with approx. 70 river tiles. The draw bag was the size of a small pillow case. I had to laugh. It's what my collection would look like if I threw in every tile I have made. The event was hosted by two Carcassonne aficionados using their own games. They had also made their own oversized score board which had columns for keeping track of the King and Robber Baron. In four hours we had got through only about half the bag.
We played with the River (they had their own custom start tile with four rivers coming off it, then they threw in a couple of forks for good measure), King & Robber Baron (it went by highest point feature, not most tiles, each worth 30 points at game end), Inns & Cathedrals (we played at least 9 cathedrals, so they had at least 10 sets in there and we only went through half the bag), Traders & Builders (each player had their own builder, so two builders per team, each majority worth 30 points at game end), Pigs, Pig farms, Siege, Cults (with challenges), Drought (their own custom expansion which was similar to Drought & Pestilence here at CarcC), Mayor, Big Follower, Phantoms (each player had two phantoms, or was it three), Bridges, Princess & Dragon (we had two dragons on the board and two fairies, but did not play with the Princess rules), The Tower (each player started with 5 tower segments, it cost 25 points to buy back one of your followers instead of 3), and they had a ton of other tiles in the bag that we played without their rules - like bazaars & catapult. We played holding one tile. The two players of a team had the same color but one set had a black dot on their foot so you knew who it went back to.
Well, guess who won! You guessed it yours truly with the immense help of his wife. We played awesomely. We were lucky to draw a lake road early on in the building of the river. We converted it for 12 points a short way into the game and I was able to fend off all challengers to win the 30 points there. We also cleaned up on barrels and ribbons with sole majority of each, and we tied on the wheat. Those were huge. I made a couple of keen moves on some valuable farms, including getting my big follower in on one to steal it. It was a very awesome time and a fun win!
At 8am the next morning (Thursday, the official first day of GenCon) we were in Flashpoint Fire Rescue - Extreme Danger - my wife and I and my brother playing with two other guys, one of which was brand new to the game (by the way, everyone we met and played with at GenCon the entire weekend were fantastic people. It's awesome being there with so many like-minded people.) We met Travis personally and he demo'd the game for us. I took the opportunity to butter him up with what huge fans we are and that we've supported just about everything he's done on KS, etc., etc. (He also had a demo version of Snowdonia there and he let us look through the rules and such, it looks awesome.) He got us right into a veteran level of Extreme Danger and we played two games of it. Both times we came within inches of winning - they were both nail biters right to the end. We got to see, but did not play, the expansion boards for the upper & lower floors and also for the ship and submarine. They look intense.
Thursday afternoon was open and we wandered the exhibit hall. One of our first stops inside was Flying Frog Productions (we're huge fans of A Touch of Evil and Last Night on Earth). We got to demo the new ATOE based card game Dark Gothic with Doc Edwards from ATOE. Dark Gothic is a deck building game and for the sake of time the closest analogy I can draw (although not really fair) is Dominion with a lot more depth, theme and interest. It is completely different and independent of ATOE - it just borrows from the theme. Anyway, we loved it and pre-ordering to get the bonus villain pack was a no-brainer. We also pre-ordered Blood in the Forest for LNOE, and I bought some of the smaller LNOE expansions that I did not have. I got to meet Jason Hill, shook his hand, complimented his product and got to proffer some of my ATOE variant ideas to him. We got autographed photos from Doc Edwards (Jeremy Hill), The Ghost Captain (Chris Kemnow) and Mary Beth Magallanes (Music Producer/Director).
We also demo'd Dominion - Guilds and Puerto Rico in the Rio Grande hall on Thursday afternoon. We enjoyed both of these. Guilds we bought to keep the collection complete - and it does add a new mechanic. Puerto Rico was added as well for the fun of the game.
Thursday evening was Mega Carcassonne with Expansions. Again another 4 hour time slot. This was quite a lot of fun and was hosted by Rogues Judges (one of the most valuable GenCon assets as far as I'm concerned). We played a 6 player game with an elderly couple and two other great guys. All Carc fans. We played the river in that one too. My wife won the game! And earned a Rogues Judges Winner's ribbon to put on her badge. She was very pleased and proud.
Friday morning we demo'd some games at the Mayfair booth. She played Explorers and Pirates (Catan expansion) and I played Urbania, as well as Dos Rios. I was neutral on Dos Rios but we later bought Explorers and Pirates and Urbania.
Friday at 11am was the Carcassonne Tournament qualifying session. (actually, it was the third session of four, with the first two playing the day before). Z-Man was offering a trip to Essen for the winner! I had been anticipating this for some time and was anxious. There were 8 players in our session and we were to play 3 games. The top four players would move on to the final on Saturday. My brother was in with me although we ended up not having to play against one another. In my first game I won handily. I was nervous at the first tile draw and then it went away and I settled down after that. My brother also won his first round. My second game went well right up until the last couple of tiles, although I only lost by 1 point. I keep kicking myself on what I could have done to collect another couple points - but what can you do? I had a good lead but had to rely on my opponent not drawing a particular tile he needed to glom my farm. With four tiles left to draw he pulled just the one he needed. Then I knew it was going to be close and when we counted up he outpaced me by 1 point. It was crazy. My brother won his second game. We each had one game to go and we knew that the top four would likely have a 2&1 record - and the tie-breakers would be settled by overall points. Well, my third game went horribly wrong. I could not draw a thing. I went through a stretch of about 8 road tiles in a row - and even then I couldn't draw a junction tile to get some meeples back off of roads. I lost by 30 or so. My brother, on the other hand, played against Gavin, who I had just lost to by 1 point. I was able to watch their last several tile draws and in the end Gavin again drew the tile he needed to glom a farm - and beat my brother by exactly 1 point. He was 3&0 and headed to the finals. My brother also qualified to move on. I did not however but man it sure was fun trying! No, my brother did not win it all unfortunately. Congrats go out to a Mr. Adam Baker who came out of our qualifying session and won the whole thing!
Friday afternoon I played in an "Adventures in Fantasy" session. Our mission? The Purging of Vargin Hall, of course. It was four hours of role-playing fun and I had a great time beating up undead goblins and skeletons. The adventure culminated in a fierce battle against an Ice Dragon. Somehow he had two breaths - Fire and Ice - it was crazy but we survived it! I got to roll with some nice new lucky dice I had just bought there.
Friday evening we were in the Settlers of Catan World Book of Guiness Records game - the largest group of players to play the same game. There were 922 players. Approx. 100 people who signed up did not show up otherwise it would have been over 1,000. This was so much fun chaos and we will definitely look forward to playing it again next year. We got a lot of goodies from it - new color playing pcs, new cards and new boards, etc.
Saturday morning we were in Settlers of Catan Histories Series - Merchants of Europe. We had never played it before but it was very much like Trails to Rails - it had the same mechanics except the moving of the numbers worked differently. Instead of forcing them westward as in Trails to Rails you could move them east or west and steal whatever numbers you liked after the supply pool was drained. We liked if even better than Trails to Rails and bought a copy - planning to perhaps Ebay our Trails to Rails set.
Saturday afternoon found us in the New Game Play Test hall. This was a lot of fun - getting to experience the efforts of new game designers. For obvious reasons these guys are really anxious to show you their game and have you sit for a demo. We did demo one called "What?!? Oh...". It was a conversational card game. I'm not one for "party" games but this one caught our eye and it was a lot of fun - I told the guy if it was for sale now I would have bought a copy. He does not have all the bugs worked out but we were able to help him with some of the mechanics. It was fun being part of his excitement. He is planning a kickstarter this fall and we offered him our email address so he could send us an invitation. There were a lot of new game designers there and it was cool seeing all the varying degrees of completeness of the prototypes. Literally, there were guys there with cardboard cutouts for pcs, etc. It was great!
Saturday evening we got into a 4 hour session of Last Night on Earth with a bunch of other players. This was a lot of fun. I played as the Zombie player and we played the Rescue Mission scenario. I killed four heroes and won the game - and also earned a Rogues Judges Winner's ribbon! It was a blast!
Sunday was spent in the exhibit hall trying to take in anything that we had missed (there is still plenty more there). We checked out Z-Man's booth, Indy Boards and Cards, Rio Grande (we bought a number of reduced price Dominion expansions for Christmas presents.) We also bought some dice and a bunch of card sleeves. We headed for home a little after noon for another 12 hour road trip. We got home at midnight thoroughly exhausted and sad it was over till next year...