« on: December 05, 2021, 04:03:23 AM »
I am a little confused about the Abbot rules.
In footnote 14 of the Abbot rules is stated:
[14] You can only score the abbot placed on a monastery or a garden before the feature is completely surrounded by tiles. In this case, you always score the abbot (on the feature), never the feature itself. (11/2020)
So, this footnote states that you cannot score a completed monastery in phase 2.
However, in footnote 8 of New Edition Exp. 9 Hills and Sheeps is written:
[8] If an abbot is removed from a completed monastery in phase 2. Placing a meeple, it will not get points for any adjacent vineyards, since the feature is not scored in phase 3. Scoring a feature when vineyards are applied.
So, this implies that you can score an Abbot already in phase 2 even if the monastery is completed, e.g. to protect him from the Dragon or Pest.
What is correct?