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Carcassonne in Carcassonne - 2024

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Death Meeple:
As previous years, a Carcassonne event is announced in the city of Carcassonne, France.
It has been announced on HIG social media:

Save the date - Carcassonne in Carcassonne on 07 & 08 September 2024
In four months' time, it's that time again: our Carcassonne games festival will be taking place in Carcassonne for the third time! Come with us to France and experience a great weekend in the medieval city of Carcassonne. Finally play Carcassonne in Carcassonne - and many other exciting programme highlights await you.
We won't tell you exactly what yet. But we've prepared something great for you again!

Did anyone here took part in previous editions?
Just like other foreign player in the comment of the original topic, I fear that taking a fly to the event may not be worth it due to the fact some parts of it are strictly reserved for French people (French National Tournament require to live in France and have the French nationality).

What usually happens there, side to the French National Tournament? Is it worth travelling to Carcassonne?
Playing the game in the city sounds like something amazing, are there games planned side to the tournament (or even a side tournament)? Ways to win the goodies (such as The Wonders of Humanity last year) for foreign players?

For those who already attended the event, please let us know your feedback!  :D


Linksux and Oldbonz have attended previously. The French National Tournament is only a small part of what takes place that weekend. There will be various activities all over the castle complex. Generally there are meeple-related games, educational activities, a Cundco booth, and of course you can tour the Chateau Comtal and the ramparts. Wonders of Humanity was a scavenger hunt that was open to everyone, not just French nationals.

Willem and Challa007 will be attending, and Willem has promised to bring a travel edition with him so I'm sure that all the non-French people will be able to play with them. If I could afford the flights, I would be going.

I hope to attend as well... I haven't attended previously, but all the people I know who attended were very happy with the experience both going with and without kids.

the maximum number of participants was 72 in 2023, so be ready for registrations for the 2024 session


--- Quote from: oldbonz on May 11, 2024, 02:31:50 AM ---the maximum number of participants was 72 in 2023, so be ready for registrations for the 2024 session

--- End quote ---

I need to register somewhere? I did not know. Can you tell me where?

I am very happy to go this year and meet Linksux, Oldbonz, Willem and hopefully also Meepledrone  :D   :D   :D 
Anyone else going?


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