Carc Central Community > Quizzes, Puzzles and Challenges

Carcassonne Central: Advent Quiz MMXXIII

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Hi all,

For those unaware of what it is really going on, I will just break it for you: Christmas is coming!!! Again... So does Winter... at least in the Northern Hemisphere!

In preparation of the coming events, here at Carcassonne Central, a lot is happening behind the scenes once again. The Meeple Council is in session discussing whether wonder tiles should be counted as 1 tile or as 5 tiles for the dragon...

This is just a smoke screen, because the real agenda for today is...

The Advent Calendar Quiz MMXXIII
Stay tuned, because on December 1st Fate will be knocking at your door... Will you be there to open? What surprises will it bring?

Ready or not, the clock is ticking! Can you hear it?


Whoohooo !

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

ready, maybe not efficient but ready


--- Quote from: Meepledrone on November 29, 2023, 11:17:24 AM ---The Advent Calendar Quiz MMXXIII
--- End quote ---

Let's go! (Anyway 5 tiles of course :D , it has no sense that dragon in city on Notre-Dame affects meeple placed on monastery on same tile)

I fully expect to lose on points, but I look forward to the participant swag.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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