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Sunday Quiz 2022
Dear all!
As requested by several of you last week, here you are a new quiz... If everything goes okay and you behave, I will be posting a new question each Sunday. Some sort of weekend passtime if you like... ;)
:black1-meeple: :blue-meeple: :green-meeple: :red-meeple: :gray-meeple: :violet-meeple: :pink-meeple: :orange-meeple: :white-meeple: :brown-meeple: :neutral-meeple: :yellow-meeple:
Question #01: Red has two meeples left in their supply and these two gifts cards. If Red draws and places this tile, the player has the following questions:
a) Is it possible for Red to take over the city?
b.1) If possible, what sequence should Red follow?
b.2) If not possible, what sequence should Red follow to score some points for the city at least?
c) How many points would each player score?
Coool, great, thanks. Going to read to learn rules :( because no idea :D
It depends on how one interprets the initial statement: I interpreted it as: "Red has this tile in hand, not yet placed"
1) Yes it is!
b.1) Open the left gift, to allow his field meeple into the city cap on the same tile. THEN place the tile. THEN use the tile's feature to double-size his meeple.
c) in this case 0 :yellow-meeple: 12 :red-meeple:
--- Quote from: OneEyedOwl on April 24, 2022, 12:29:03 PM ---It depends on how one interprets the initial statement: I interpreted it as: "Red has this tile in hand, not yet placed"
--- End quote ---
Need to send PM to @Meepledrone with answer, not write it public, that we also need to check rules :D
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