It's a new year, and I'm blowing the lid off of the former match-up rules. Now ANY element from ANY expansion can be paired to really test the limits and compatibilities of Carcassonne. As before, Element Match-Ups remains a new series of weekly challenges for all members of CarcassonneCentral. These threads are intended for members to test these combinations without the interference of other elements or expansions. We want to know what you think about the pairing. Consider this a quasi-scientific survey in that you are only playing with these two elements and the base game — nothing else! New match-ups are released every Friday-Saturday (depending on time zone), but the old pairings will always be there so never hesitate to add your two cents worth to the discussion (even if the thread is over 180 days old!).
This week our elements are THE HILLS (from Hills & Sheep [Expansion #9]) and WHEEL OF FORTUNE. This strange pairing actually has some strategic value, at least it could potentially. The purpose of the eight Hills tiles is that they can hide up to eight other tiles beneath them, sight unseen. In Wheel of Fortune, there are nineteen tiles with the numbers 1-3 printed on them, and any skilled player of that expansion will have those numbers memorized to know the odds of betting on the Wheel. But what if that aspect is taken away? Suddenly the Wheel becomes much more luck-based and all strategic planning goes out the door! Or not...
The elements are set, the challenge is issued, and now it is for you to decide whether these elements work well together or are terrible companions. Summarise your experience below in however much detail you wish, and feel free to share any strategic advice you have for other players taking the challenge.