Author Topic: The Count of Carcassonne - Count Robber and King Expansion 6 deployment  (Read 8392 times)

Offline JoeSesquipedalian

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Friends and I played with the Count of Carcassonne last night. Being relatively new to Carcassonne we had some difficulties figuring out some of the mechanics even with the rule sheet and the latest CAR.  Plus, it seems that the rule sheet I have from ZMan Games differs slightly from the CAR rules (Zman version says that the person who completes the feature can choose to place the first meeple from Carcassonne into the feature his/herself or choose the player to the left to decide first).  We understand the requirements to place a meeple (or megameeple) into the city, complete a feature that scores points for an opponent, but you score no points.  We have these questions:

1.  When placing a meeple in Carcassonne, can you place it into the section where the count is, and then move the count? 
   - ex.  If the count is in the castle and I close a feature of another player, giving them points and scoring none myself, can I place a meeple in the castle and then move the count to market or other section?

2.  If I close a city of another player, giving them points and scoring none myself, can I move a meeple to the castle (if unoccupied by the count) and then use that meeple to share (or steal) the points for that city????  Or would that mean that I did score points points for that feature and thus I couldn't have placed a meeple into Carcassonne on that turn?

3.  What the previous questions amount to is: Can you pull a meeple out of Carcassone ("redeploy it") on the same turn in which you put one into Carcassonne?   If yes, can you "redeploy" the very same meeple that you just put into Carcassonne on that turn?

4.  It seems that when a feature is completed, it is always the player to the left of the current player (the one who placed the tile to complete the feature) who decides first if they want to move a meeple from the city to the completed feature, followed in a clockwise order.  I understand that a meeple or megameeple may be "redeployed".  I am under the impression that there is only one round of "redeployment".  Is that correct?

5.  How many meeples per player may be "redeployed" when a feature is completed?  Can players "empty out" Carcassonne if all of their meeples in the city correspond to the just completed feature?

6.  At the end of the game, when placing farmers, can the farmers be placed in any field whether it be occupied or unoccupied? 

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!!

JoeSesq :green-meeple:

Who got a smudge on the tile?

Offline MrNumbers

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Re: The Count of Carcassonne - Count Robber and King Expansion 6 deployment
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2015, 11:42:15 PM »
Hello, JoeSesquipedalian and welcome to the forums!

1. Yes.
2. No. (footnote 213)
3. No. (footnote 213)
4. Yes. (page 76 - "The redeployment round moving once around the table").
5. Page 76 - "Each player may choose to redeploy all, any, or none of his or her followers from the appropriate city quarter to the feature being scored".
6. Yes. (page 75 - "followers may thus be deployed to already occupied features.").
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Offline Fritz_Spinne

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Re: The Count of Carcassonne - Count Robber and King Expansion 6 deployment
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2015, 04:15:08 AM »
6. I think followers from the City of Carcassonne may only be deployed to already occupied features.

Offline MrNumbers

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Re: The Count of Carcassonne - Count Robber and King Expansion 6 deployment
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2015, 04:30:23 AM »
6. I think followers from the City of Carcassonne may only be deployed to already occupied features.

That's not true. See footnote 218:
Followers in Carcassonne can be redeployed to empty roads, cities, cloisters, or farms.

Offline JoeSesquipedalian

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Re: The Count of Carcassonne - Count Robber and King Expansion 6 deployment
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2015, 04:49:49 AM »
6. I think followers from the City of Carcassonne may only be deployed to already occupied features.

It seems clear to me that you can deploy followers from the City of Carcassonne to any corresponding feature that gets completed, regardless of whether or not it was occupied.

Since farms never get "completed" like the other featrues, I was just trying to figure out if at the end of the game you can deploy a meeple from the market in the City of Carcassonne to an unoccupied farm or if it must only be deployed to share (or overtake) already occupied farms. 

From what I've gathered, and with clarification from MrNumbers (Thank you!!!), you can indeed deploy a meeple from the market in the City Carcassonne to an unoccupied farm at the end of the game.

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