JCloisterZone FAQ, Suggestions & Bug Reports / 4.4.1 - Hills & Shepherds
« on: September 09, 2019, 05:52:46 AM »
First, continued thanks as always to Farin for keeping this going!
Some bugs which I think is only limited to Hills & Shepherds.
1) Barn/Shepherd sometimes played inversely with your opponent, i.e. I play a shepherd, they see a barn placement, scores go wonky > Illegal Exception / Null Pointer error
Not ALWAYS reproducible, and save file shows I've played a barn, but stll loads a shepherd.
2) The funky city splitter tiles, often can't be played onto, again illegal exception errors:
Can't play on the right-hand side.

Some bugs which I think is only limited to Hills & Shepherds.
1) Barn/Shepherd sometimes played inversely with your opponent, i.e. I play a shepherd, they see a barn placement, scores go wonky > Illegal Exception / Null Pointer error
Not ALWAYS reproducible, and save file shows I've played a barn, but stll loads a shepherd.
2) The funky city splitter tiles, often can't be played onto, again illegal exception errors:
Can't play on the right-hand side.