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BGA - Improving Carcassonne game assets


Hi everyone!

I love BGA, and I love Carcassonne (basically I pay BGA for play Carcassonne), but something that really step me back sometimes to play is the resolution of the assets or the old-fashion wooden background.

So, I took some time reviewing the code of the page, and I discovered that BGA uses a tileset with all the tiles of the game. And using some programs I enhance the resolution of the tile set, and also take advantage to play with some filters and textures...

I wrote a simple and quick tutorial on how to do it. Only works for desktop (Because is required to install a lightweight plugin in your browser to add/replace the website style / CSS).

I leave the guide, and let me know any questions! - Hope that you enjoy it, and this helps you to enjoy BGA and Carcassonne more!

These are examples of the results:


awesome! playing bga with c1 art would be possible then?

I think it would be possible, you just to create a tileset image and put it somewhere that the script can access it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: jamontoast on October 03, 2024, 09:49:46 PM ---awesome! playing bga with c1 art would be possible then?

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Scott on October 06, 2024, 02:21:02 PM ---I think it would be possible, you just to create a tileset image and put it somewhere that the script can access it.

--- End quote ---

It's already possible through the standard interface. You can do it from within the game (see attachment):


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