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Topics - Drodo

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Official Rules / Phantom in the iOS app rules.
« on: August 11, 2020, 11:08:58 PM »
So I've read in the "official" expanded rules that the Phantom meeple can be used after any "move wood" action is taken. This includes using the phantom after placing pieces such as the builder, the fairy, using a meeple on a tower, etc.

Is this really the official rule? In practice this sounds VERY overpowered.

The way I understand, the Carcassonne meeples are divided in 2 groups:

1) Meeples that can be placed on features, even if they have restrictions. Regular Meeples, Big Meeple, Abbot, Mayor, Cart, Farm, Pig, Sheepherd and Ringmaster.

2) Meeples/Figures that can only be placed/moved *IF* a regular meeple was not placed during this turn. Builder, Fairy, Tower Meeples, Wheel of Fortune Meeples and scoring an incomplete Abbot can only be done if no regular meeple is placed.

In the iOS Carcassonne app, the Phantom could only be placed after option 1).

If you wanted to place a builder, move the fairy or score an abbot, you were not allowed to use the phantom in that turn too. This is how I've always played it too and it makes sense. It doesn't sound very fair to let a player take the fairy AND place the phantom on a feature in the same turn.

Also Magic Portals could only let you use 1 meeple in that turn. No phantom.

Official Rules / Can the Cart Meeple get past a Monastery?
« on: August 11, 2020, 10:48:59 PM »
If you use the cart to score a road that leads to an incomplete monastery, you can move the cart to said monastery.

But, if there's another road on the other side of that monastery, can the cart get past the monastery and be placed on the road?

I ask this because in the official rules, if two roads are divided by an intersection, the cart can get past that intersection and "jump" to the other road if it just scored the first one. Does a monastery that acts like an intersection between two roads follow the same rule? Or can the cart be placed only on the monastery, but not the road on the other side?

Official Rules / Dragon/Plague + Wheel of Fortune/Count?
« on: August 11, 2020, 10:41:40 PM »
The Wheel of Fortune is a 4x4 sized tile. The Count's city is 4x3.

How exactly does the Dragon interact with these tiles when it's moving? Same question for The Plague's fleas. I can guess it's one of these 3 options:

A) The Dragon and Fleas can't occupy these tiles and have to go around. The Meeples on the wheel are safe.

B) The Dragon and the Fleas can occupy these tiles and everything inside dies. Then they can move to any adjacent tile.

C) The Dragon and the Fleas can't occupy these tiles but they can "jump" to the other side.

So what is it?

Additional question: what about German Castles and Markets of Leipziig tiles? Do they count as 2 normal tiles, with the Dragon and Fleas affecting only half of it? If a Meeple is occupying the Castle, must it be placed on one of the two halves to make it clear if it's affected or not?

General / Carcassonne Big Box 5 worth?
« on: August 10, 2020, 10:48:22 PM »
I started collecting Carcassonne games recently (new artwork) and got a very complete collection. That was until I saw the old edition's artwork which was much, much better and so I decided to collect those as well.

Living in Mexico, board games weren't popular until recently so we are "years behind" in games, with a few shops still having older games available for sale. So I managed to find a Big Box 5 (called Carcassonne Plus 2014) and every other old artwork expansion. And man, they've gotten a LOT of use in the last few months.

But since these are out of print, I thought about getting at least a second copy of the Big Box 5 while I can for when the current one starts to show signs of wear from so much use.

I got my first Big Box 5 (used) for around $50 USD and I just saw a brand new sealed copy being sold for around $45 in an old man's shop. How much are these really worth? Should I go for it? And also look for duplicates of some of the other expansions too? There's a Catapult game being sold for $15 too but it's missing one tile.

Other Games / Carcosa: some questions.
« on: July 24, 2020, 12:45:49 PM »
I know Carcosa is not an official Carcassonne game but it's heavily inspired by it and any big Carcassonne fan could at least know about it.

I have two questions about the rules:

1- Does the Ritual tile itself score 1 point at the end of the game or only the surrounding tiles do?

The rules say 1 point per surrounding tile but is not specific about the ritual tile itself also counting, like Monasteries in Carcassonne do.

2- Can you run out of cultists (meeples)? If you sacrifice them all and they get devoured by the Feaster, are you eliminated from the game or can you keep drawing and placing tiles with no possibility of scoring any more points?

Edit: 3rd question.

Can you inbue a power stone that requires less power than the amount of tiles a completed power line has? The rules say you can inbue a stone of "exactly" the same value, but later it contradicts itself in the examples.

The Marketplace / WTB Belagerer and old Halb so Wild II
« on: July 14, 2020, 01:20:21 PM »
Does anyone have these? I'm not crazy about getting them as I already own the new edition of Halb and also the old 4 tiles Siege mini, but if anyone in here has them perhaps we could make a deal.

Unofficial Rules / Alternate rules for Catapult.
« on: July 07, 2020, 06:56:29 PM »
I bought a used copy of this rare expansion and there is no way I'm using the official rules because I don't want to break the catapult or damage my tokens or tiles so I'm in need of alternate rules for the Fair tiles in the Catapult.

I found these rules in BGG and I liked it but it doesn't use the tokens:

When a Fair tile is drawn, you can use it as a regular tile, OR, when it is placed on the board and there is at least one opponent meeple on one of the 8 surrounding tiles, choose one meeple that will be drawn to the fair, distracted. The meeple leaves the feature to join the fair. This cannot be done if said feature is completed with this tile. It must be left incomplete.

Then, the player who placed the tile draws a second one. If the second tile can be placed in a way that adds up to the forsaken feature, and there are no more meeples in it, he can place a meeple in the feature. If the tile doesn't fit anywhere, he must return the tile to the bag and his turn ends. The distracted meeple then returns to the feature to take back its place.

Also if the second tile completes the disputed feature, it's not scored until a meeple is put back in it, from either player.

I like this idea a lot but it is unclear about what happens to the distracted meeple when a feature is stolen. I guess it returns to the player but I think the losing player should at least be compensated in one way.

My idea is that, regardless of having the feature stolen or not, the meeple that visited the fair gets a prize from it in the form of a token. Put 12 of the catapult tokens (3 of each type) in a bag and draw one.

1- Cake to the face: 0 points. No fun!
2- Catch ball token: 1 point. Catched a gift!
3- Target hurling token: 2 points. Won a contest!
4- Seduction token: 4 points. The meeple met a nice gal and found love!

If the feature was stolen, the fair meeple is returned to the player after claiming its prize.

The prize token does not go back into the bag.

What do you think?

Official Rules / Russian Solovei Razboynik (Tree) question.
« on: July 06, 2020, 10:36:32 PM »
Does the tree on this tile count as an intersection to cut the roads? Or does the road go uninterrupted behind the tree?

Not that this matters in the base game since any Meeple that touches either road is kidnapped, but it matters if played with German Cathedrals. When a Cathedral is completed and one of the roads has the Solovei Tree, do I also get points for the road tiles behind the tree? Or does it end there.

Unofficial Rules / Alternate rules for Darmstadt?
« on: July 04, 2020, 11:14:30 AM »
I got this expansion as a gift from a friend recently and honestly it has the worst rules out of any mini. 3 extra points, that's it.

I'm sure more people also had this thought, so I'm wondering if someone came up with a better idea.

General / Old artwork Corn Circles II rules?
« on: July 02, 2020, 08:43:29 PM »
I collected the 6 old Mini expansions in their respective boxes, and every box had one of the Mini 7 (corn circles) tiles.

I already know the rules for this expansion as I own the newer Carcassonne 2017 Big Box, but I am wondering, how were players years ago supposed to know how to play this? The rules are not included in any of the Minis.

General / Old artwork: Which expansions are the rarest?
« on: July 02, 2020, 11:20:39 AM »
I know about The Plague and Tunnels, also Belagerer but I'm wondering what other versions are very rare, or the rarest.

General / Belagerer
« on: June 26, 2020, 01:33:25 PM »
I purchased a not cheap copy of Cult, Siege and Creativity. The Siege tiles, however, do not have broken city walls like the Belagerer one does, neither does it have symbols on the tiles to differentiate the expansion. Was this a mistake by the manufacturers?

I'm tempted to look for the Belagerer mini that has 6 tiles and broken city walls, but I can't find any for sale anywhere. Does anyone in here have a spare copy to sell, or could you guide me to where to look for it? Thank you!

The Marketplace / Old Minis 5 and 6
« on: June 25, 2020, 11:47:51 PM »
Hello. A couple years ago I played my first Carcassonne game in the new artwork and I liked the game so much that little by little I started to collect every single expansion available, even the rare ones that only exist in the old artwork like The Plague.

Then after I finished my collection, somebody gifted me an old artwork base game, not long ago, and it wasn't until then that I realized how much better the old artwork is.

So, naturally, I started collecting the old artwork's main expasions, which is very difficult when they have been out of print for a while and if you live in Mexico where boardgame shops and players are rare.

Still, somehow I managed to get all of them except the Minis 5 and 6. Are these rarer or something? I've looked on ebay but they have extremely high prices. Does anybody know where I can find these online at a reasonable cost? Or does anyone have spare copies?

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