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Messages - terryreynolds

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The Marketplace / Looking for the plague
« on: September 12, 2021, 03:16:47 AM »
Does A Robot Vacuum Worth It?

I am a house-wife, living in a family of five members. I used to think that vacuum cleaners, especially robot vacuum cleaners, are a waste of money, even in a passive way: a status of laziness. Instead, I assume that people should utilize all their labor effort to do the work.

However, when my husband brought home a robot vacuum, my perception about this has changed.

Why to use a vacuum cleaner or a robot vacuum?

This question is actually used to ask myself, when I saw the ads about the Best vacuum cleaners in the world, specifically robot vacuum cleaners on social media.

Except for my baby, my husband, niece, nephew and I (four adults) can easily organize to clean home with brooms and mops every day. It takes a maximum one hour per day for cleaning. So why do we have to spend about $ 200 USD to buy a robot vacuum?

Here are what I found after checking some of vacuum cleaner reviews:

1. Sweep


· Traditional way to clean the house, easy to use. You can use it anytime, no need to set up the attachments and don’t have to rely on electricity or battery.

· Quiet. Only use the broom to sweep all dirt and dust into dust pans and finally to the trash can.

· Inexpensive. A broom and dustpan does not cost much, and can be used for a long time. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about the costs of replacing bags or other accessories.

· No maintenance required. As broom and dustpan are simple tools, there is no maintenance or fixing required.


· However, brooms cannot sweep at the edges and corners well. Instead, using brooms and mops just reach the fine cleaning standard, but not perfectly clean.

· Sweeping may create more airborne dust which is not good for allergy sufferers.

· As brooms and mops are simple cleaning tools, it requires much manipulation to clean.


❃❃❃ Check Over: Top Vacuum Cleaner Brands


2. Robot vacuum


· Take less time and effort for cleaning. The robot vacuum will do all the cleaning on the floor, including sweeping, mopping and vacuuming.

· Clean edge and corners well, which is the weakness of the sweeping method.

· Robot vacuum creates less airborne dust. Same as other types of vacuum cleaner, robot vacuum lifts dirt and dust from the floor into its dustbin.

· Most robot vacuums can charge by itself, so battery life should not be a disadvantage. The robot vacuum itself will look for the charging dock as soon as the battery is low.

· Help you to stick with the cleaning schedule and motivate you to keep the house tidy. You need to remove all obstacles to make floors available for robots to run and clean.


· In conjunction with many benefits, the price of a robot vacuum is pretty high, and it may cost you more for maintenance later. Even the Best Rated Vacuum Cleaners in the world requires maintenance after a long time of usage.

· Frequently remove dirt from dust can. Sometimes you may forget this, then the robot vacuum will become overwhelmed and not operate properly.

· A robot vacuum cannot clean various surfaces such as stairs, curtains, couch, and furniture.

In sum, a robot vacuum can be considered as a good option to replace brooms and mops. It will save our family time, effort for cleaning, so we can spend time on other works. A robot vacuum is suitable for small houses or apartments with hardwood floors without stairs. Frankly to say, technology is developed to improve the quality of life for people.

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