Author Topic: Cemetery, first game.  (Read 9152 times)

Offline quevy

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Cemetery, first game.
« on: November 12, 2013, 01:11:20 PM »

I apologize for the quality and the few photographs.
Quevy , white followers 267 points .
My wife, followers orange 236 points .
My cousin , 207 points green followers .
The game was flowing, we played only the first 6 cemeteries , I have not printed the others, none stop for the clarification of rules, only a few small discussions during the game on trifles . We had decided to play the cemeteries with the restriction that they had to be positioned so that initially did not reach any city , we decided after the game that there will be no restrictions on the placement .
The first cemetery was extracted from my cousin , has blocked the big follower of my wife throughout the game , creating a ring .
The second cemetery was extracted from me , since I am in vantaggo that time, I placed my follower a regular cemetery , thinking that I would hardly finished that city (which has since become a full 63 points).
The third was extracted from my wife, who has put in revenge for the cemetery big follower of my cousin.
My cousin caught on 4 cemetery , but all had hired a follower and therefore has not been filled .
Me and my cousin we released our followers ( I would not have had to do to defend the big follower in the broader field ) . Battle of fields between me and my cousin , I close the largest city in the possession of my wife ( RRRC ) , you score 63 points , I collect a lot of goods , and I assure you 30 points + 3 and the junction of a road to the camp of my big follower , my cousin 4 street ( not collect follower , but no one notices ) .
My cousin and I have in the field , Big -normal followers , pig, my wife only a follower in that field.
In the last weave my cousin extracts the fifth cemetery , puts them my big follower .
He is currently winning the game thanks to the fields.
Last card and last cemetery , I peach and I place in the cemetery big follower of my cousin , leveling the field.
My cousin and I score 48 points from the field, my wife only 36.
I win a point on my wife , 237 to 236 , I still have to add the points of the goods and win 31 points .

« Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 04:34:06 AM by MrNumbers, Reason: Width changed »
A knight is sworn to valour.
His heart knows only virtue.
His blade defends the helpless.
His might upholds the weak.
His word speaks only truth.
His wrath undoes the wicked.

 :white-meeple: My works.

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