Author Topic: Turbo Mega Carcassonne Run  (Read 11230 times)

Offline Paul

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Turbo Mega Carcassonne Run
« on: September 15, 2013, 08:26:17 AM »
Sister and I thought we'd throw in everything I had and run a 'quick' game of Carcassonne. Although we used every expansion I had we played with loose rules.

Final scoring: Me (yellow) at 652 and sister (blue) at 157. At least 150 of my points comes from the final scoring with me having 13 gold bars and scored 30 points from the barrels, cloth and weed.

Some of the things we did differently:
1. We were competing on who would build the highest tower instead of applying normal rules. Hers was 11 stacks mine 7.
2. The plague, we just used the tiles and placed markers around it. Laugh, haven't read the rules yet.
3. The Catapult. Instead of normal rules, we would throw meeple tile and have them land on tiles, similar to the Mini Expansion Flyer.
4. Bazaar effect: Player placing the tile draws two tiles, chooses one to keep and give the other away to the opponent.
5. The Barn: If the farm area it encompass becomes sealed (i.e. you can't add more grass from a new tile to the farm) it is return to the player.
6. If one of us had to take a break, other player would play the opponents round doing as best one can to aid the opponent.
7. Wheel of Fortune. We moved the pig but didn't really make use of the expansion at all. Laugh.
8. The Messenger Mini Expansion: We only used one meeple allowing the regular meeple be used to put into play. We got plenty of mail even without having two meeples on the scoreboard.

Games and expansions used:
1. Big Box 3 (base game + 5 expansions)
2. Wheel of Fortune
3. 6x Mini Expansions (incl. Crop Circles)
4. The Tower
5. The Catapult
6. River I
7. The Plague
8. Houses
9. The Phantom (1x each player only)

Seems every time I take a picture with my phone the image becomes poorer in quality. Laugh. Maybe it's a digital disposable camera!


World record holder for a single game of Carcassonne using 10 007 tiles!

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