The Abbot has special training like a Navy SEAL so he can’t get trapped in a cloister (or garden)...
The Abbot and the PortalWhen playing with Princess and the Dragon, a magic portal can enable you to send the Abbot through to a garden/cloister (NOTE: I didn’t not see this in the CAR, so this is unconfirmed, but the rules and CAR indicate that he is a follower). There are almost always uncompleted cloisters/gardens on the board, so sending the Abbot on an inter-dimentional ride through the portal is a great way to boost your point total. And since the Abbot doesn’t have to stay on the board until the cloister/garden is completely surrounded you can grab him back shortly and take the points.
The Abbott is great for its ability to be returned to the meeple-group you have an still score points. In the game "Carcassonne: The Discovery" by Leo Colovini, he used the rule that a follower could be removed before a structure was yet completed, and that predates the CarII by some years. I am not sure if you could score partially also - will check on that and update this post with what I find.
Quote from: CarcinFool on January 13, 2015, 07:04:39 PMThe Abbot and the PortalWhen playing with Princess and the Dragon, a magic portal can enable you to send the Abbot through to a garden/cloister (NOTE: I didn’t not see this in the CAR, so this is unconfirmed, but the rules and CAR indicate that he is a follower). There are almost always uncompleted cloisters/gardens on the board, so sending the Abbot on an inter-dimentional ride through the portal is a great way to boost your point total. And since the Abbot doesn’t have to stay on the board until the cloister/garden is completely surrounded you can grab him back shortly and take the points.I also believe this is legal. The C II rules don't refer to "followers" as such, just meeples and abbots. Thus, they don't really address the question of whether the abbot is truly a follower per the older versions of the rules. However, since it is a point-scoring entity which is analogous to the mayor (i.e. a follower with certain restrictions), I would also treat it as a follower. (I know, the barn is a point-scoring entity that isn't a follower, but it's kind of an odd duck anyway.)
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