Please consider that farin has a family and a full-time job, and that his work on JCloisterZone is just a "labour of love" for him. Furthermore, he doesn't receive any money for it and consequently doesn't owe us anything...
I don't know how much you've played with JCloisterZone but ... I don't even notice and the way of selecting meeple types
Also, AI is massive! I can't begin to imagine how to program a computer to beat even my 3 year-old daughter at Carcassonne and I have a degree in Computing!
UI1 - there is scrollbar, but you are definitely right it is sick. I want to improve it soon.2 - what do you mean? You must extract it and you delete zip immediately. Or do you mean icon of .jar file?3 - One reason is that you may want to rotate first than move to tile when you place. But it is probably less common scenarioand you are not first who request it. I will probably change it to skip invalid rotation with config option to use current way4 - use tab or right click to toggle. Is it enough?5 - it should remember it. One connected to point 2. Do you run it directly from zip? In such case config wouldn't be writable ...6 - you can play both rivers. Do you have any issue with it?AIyep, nice to have but quite complex task. road map is now focusing to public server (human to human play is better)General1. you right, it useless2. when public server will be done it will be possible, it is not bad idea3. yepnice to havei am not graphics designer, if somebody wants participate is open to such things
E:\Dropbox\Projects\AlienSwarm>java -versionjava version "1.7.0_21"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_21-b11)Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.21-b01, mixed mode)
E:\Program Files (x86)\JCloisterZone>dir Volume in drive E is New Volume Volume Serial Number is 28DF-AF11 Directory of E:\Program Files (x86)\JCloisterZone15/11/2014 10:38 <DIR> .15/11/2014 10:38 <DIR> ..13/11/2014 19:34 1,954 config.yaml15/11/2014 10:38 154 error.log13/11/2014 19:33 5,603,035 JCloisterZone.jar13/11/2014 19:33 762 JCloisterZone.jar - Shortcut.lnk13/11/2014 19:33 <DIR> plugins05/01/2014 23:19 <DIR> saves 4 File(s) 5,605,905 bytes 4 Dir(s) 795,501,604,864 bytes freeE:\Program Files (x86)\JCloisterZone>java -jar JCloisterZone.jar -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=info[AWT-EventQueue-0] WARN com.jcloisterzone.config.ConfigLoader - Unable to create configuration file E:\Program%20Files%20(x86)\JCloisterZone\config.yaml
You could consider the idea of making the project an open source project
Started by Gerry
Started by Hounk
Started by loki
Started by Snearone