Author Topic: What's on your Shelf of Shame?  (Read 17029 times)

Offline jungleboy

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What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:07:13 AM »
A shelf of shame contains games that you bought but haven't played.

My list is longer than I wish it was. My excuse is that I bought a bunch of games at Essen last year and online just before moving to Portugal as a 'final splurge' and I just haven't found the time to play them yet (also I was without my collection for nearly two months after moving). Now that I've seen how long this list is, I will make a rule to bring an unplayed game to the weekly board game meet-up in Lisbon every time I go. Also, since I've now implemented a 'no more than one new game per two months' rule, this list should get shorter before it gets longer.

Anyway, here's my list:

Pandemic Iberia - I decided this would be my entry point into the Pandemic universe because I like the historical aspect, the Iberia aspect and the artwork. Then I got into a Pandemic Legacy group, so playing that a lot has meant that Pandemic Iberia hasn't been played.

Colosseum - I got this about a year ago (the original DoW version, not the kickstarted cartoon version by TMG). I was super happy to find it and I'm still glad I have it, but I just didn't get much of a chance to play it in Geneva because it needs 3+ players.

Colt Express - I played it at Draughts in London and enjoyed it, so I grabbed a copy but haven't played my own copy yet.

Saloon Tycoon - Great looking tile-laying game from Kickstarter. Happy I got it but just haven't been able to get it to the table.

Dungeon Keeper - One of my early Kickstarters, a multi-layer dungeon crawl. Perhaps a mistake.

Fresco - An Essen buy that I'd wanted for a while. I just haven't made the effort to go through the rules and get to know the game so that I can easily bring it out without much advance notice.

Ulm - Impulse buy at Essen. I still think it looks cool, just haven't gotten around to playing it.

Back to the Future: An Adventure Through Time - Love the movies which was my main motivation for getting it. But I regret it now. I'd only ever suggest it to another big fan of the movies, so the opportunity rarely presents itself.

7 Wonders - I've played Duel a couple of times (though technically never with my own copy), but not the full game.

House of Borgia - A social deduction, papal enclave game that I got from Kickstarter. I was set to play with a couple of friends who are/were also Roman tour guides in February, but we never got around to it.

Biergarten - A little card/tile-laying Kickstarter game that features me and jungle girl, as well as Dan and Decar, on the artwork.

Touria - Another impulse buy that probably wasn't a great idea. It's still in shrink wrap so I might try to sell it.

And some that are very recent purchases that haven't been played yet but that I don't need to feel ashamed of ... yet:

Sagrada (Played with Chooselife on 5/5/17)
Ticket to Ride: Europe
Cottage Garden
Pack o Games 2 (saving for the Camino de Santiago)

« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 01:46:57 AM by jungleboy »

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2017, 05:59:11 AM »
What's on my shelf of shame? More than I'm prepared to admit to here... :-[

You should definitely give Onitama a try though JB - the rules take about 3 seconds to learn (depending how fast you can read) and games only last up to 20 minutes maximum.

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2017, 06:07:52 AM »
You should definitely give Onitama a try though JB - the rules take about 3 seconds to learn (depending how fast you can read) and games only last up to 20 minutes maximum.

Yep, I just picked it up last week in my most recent 'final splurge' before my austerity measures kick in. I have a friend here who likes abstract games and hopefully I'll get around to playing with him soon.

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2017, 06:53:01 AM »
After typing it out it's not as bad as I thought.

Carcassonne: The City  (Cannot wait to get this to the table, been too long, maybe tomorrow night)

Citadels (2016) (Gift for Christmas this last year, hadn't heard of it, looks good)

Pandemic Legacy (Getting used to regular Pandemic/Iberia a bit first)

Scoundrel Society (Early gaming purchase, liked the concept/theme, can't get it to table)

Sheriff of Nottingham (Deal during Amazon Prime Day maybe?  Impulse buy, not sure my group will like)

Skull (Bought for camping/fishing trips, coming up in June here)

Tikal (was looking for a Catan alternative, brother always wants to play Catan)

Tiny Epic Western (Kickstarted, I like poker and worker placement, seemed overwhelming when I tried to read rules, later maybe)

Twilight Struggle (Just arrived, need to find an opponent)

So 9 games and I have just under 50 at last count.  I have many that have just had one or two plays.  Hard to get other players away from their favorites, especially when you don't get to meet regularly learning a new game isn't always ideal.   

Won't stop me from buying ones I think will be a hit.  Still looking for that next Carcassonne though.

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2017, 08:28:34 AM »
Games in shrink:
Liar's Dice (We have had it for 10 years)
Grave Business
- Got it for free
- Kickstarted last year and never played
Pack O Game #2 - 6 of the 10 games haven't been played  (BOO, BOX, DIG, NUT, SPY, and WOO)
Russian Railroads

Expansions still in shrink:
King of New York - Cthulhu
Mysterium Hidden Signs
Santorini - Golden Fleece
Ticket to Ride - Alvin & Dexter
Tokaido - New Encounters
Zooloretto Boss

« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 07:01:49 AM by dirk2112 »

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2017, 11:01:28 AM »
I obviously don't buy enough games.

Monopoly Deal - A birthday present that I haven't tried out.

Carcassonne The Castle - From Ralf's haul, but nobody wanted it!......not in shrink, but I don't enjoy this version so it'll remain
un-played until I get a reasonable offer or I get around to putting on ebay.
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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2017, 12:01:03 PM »
Sheriff of Nottingham (Deal during Amazon Prime Day maybe?  Impulse buy, not sure my group will like)

I really don't get this game. We played it at work a little while ago and the guy who had bought it had finished reading through the instructions and explaining it to us we played a few rounds and then looked at each other as if to say "Is this all you do?"

We've not played it since...

Offline Erreth

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2017, 12:50:46 PM »
Lol, I read the rulebook for Sheriff of Nottingham and kinda thought the same.  I hear good things about it so when I saw it for so low I snapped it up.  After your big endorsement it shall sit gathering more shame for the time being.

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2017, 12:54:37 PM »
After your big endorsement it shall sit gathering more shame for the time being.

No no no, that wasn't my point at all! If everybody in the world was exactly like me and liked/ disliked all the same things as me then the world would be a very boring place indeed. You should definitely play it, especially since you own it, at least to make your own mind up about it! If you enjoy playing it then that's brilliant, and you can explain to us naysayers why we're wrong about it! ;)

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2017, 01:01:20 PM »
I usually buy games, in which I see the potential of real playing in my gaming group, that's why my list is super short, it includes only 2 games, technically, expansions of the games:
- Catan: Cities and Knights - the rules look very difficult, but I keep in mind that I should play it someday;
- King of New York: Power Up! - purchased in Essen, never played. I consider to sell it, because we don't play King of New York very often.
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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2017, 03:31:28 PM »
My shelf of shame is more like a wall. I also have more that I want to admit. The good thing is I am making headway with the collection. Lately I've improved my new game plays to at least 2 per month, sometimes more!

I can see that I do share quite a few with the lists above my post, (just to name a few):

Carcassonne: The City
King of Tokyo
Tokaido (this is on the imminent list!)
Pandemic Legacy
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Pandemic Iberia
Fresco (hope for this one soon!)
7 Wonders


Wanna play Carc? Can we add just one more expansion?

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2017, 04:45:50 PM »
I have a number of games and expansions back in the US that have never been played, including all the Flash Point: Fire Rescue expansions (we've only played the base game, and not even the backside map), Brilliants, Alhambra: 6th Expansion, Memoir '44 (most expansions), and so many others I cannot even think. Basically I have all the Catan Geographies promo maps up to 2014 (including a few European ones) and countless other expansions, promos, and probably a few full games.

Then there are the games that I own and have technically have played once, but mostly just to try them out. I have all of these in New Zealand currently (not that it matters): 7 Wonders: Babel, Ticket to Ride: Dice Expansion, Hanabi, and Brew Crafters.

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2017, 12:49:24 AM »
I'm sitting in my man-cave and will promptly list games (but not include expansions - I'll be here forever) that  have not been played.  I'll be here forever if I list the games that need more plays.

Kingdom Builder, Myth, Alhambra Big Box 2 the weird games, The Dwarves, Orcs must Die, Crisis, Cirtus :(, Islebound, Karbuba, Vast, Loop Inc, Scythe, Yucata, Maori, Junking, Habsburg Empire, Raiders of the North Sea (Trilogy), Dead men tell no tales, Pillars of Eternity, Darkrock ventures, Helios, Dice City, Days of Ire, Fjorde, Schwinebande, Kings of the Frontier, Viceroy, Battleline, Tides of Madness, Dale of Merchants, The little prince, Jarl, zertz, punct, dvonn & lyngk , Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, Fugitive & paperback, biergarten, mintworks, Ravens of Thrishirathshi, Carcassonne:Ark of the Covenant

Hopefully, I'll get these all ticked off next weekend :D

« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 01:29:15 AM by Decar »

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2017, 01:24:33 AM »
The Little Prince is junglegirl's favourite game (if it's the same game I am thinking of - the one with the tagline Make Me a Planet). It plays 2-4 but I think it's better at two players because the tile drafting method is better. The first player sets out three tiles, two face up and one face down (which that player has looked at), and the second player has to draft one, either taking one of the two they can see or gambling on the one they can't see. The first player then takes whichever tile they prefer from the remaining two, and the other tile is discarded. In a four- (and I guess three-) player game, all four tiles are laid face up, the person who went last in the previous round drafts first, then nominates the next person to draft. Now that we have Kingdomino with its great four-person drafting mechanism, the Little Prince version seems a bit clumsy in comparison.

Anyway, in the game you create a 4x4 planet and how your planet scores depends on the four characters you have at the corners of your planet, which you also draft throughout the game. So sometimes you're drafting based on the characters you already have, and other times you might be drafting based on the characters you hope to get later in the game. It plays very quickly and smoothly and is a great, light little filler.

Regarding some of your other unplayed games, I might have talked up Citrus a bit much on these forums but I think it's great. Hunters and Gatherers is widely praised as a great alternative version of vanilla Carcassonne but it's my least favourite of the spin-offs I own. Maybe because pre-history is not a great theme for me. Anyway, I prefer the Ark of the Covenant.

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Re: What's on your Shelf of Shame?
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2017, 01:31:41 AM »
Yeah that's the game - it looked fun, and the art work is nice.

I think I had citrus on my radar before you even mentioned it.  I preordered it months ahead of Essen for pick up....but it's still on my self (with the mini-expansion).  It's not collecting dust's still in the shrink wrap.

Ark of the Covenant....another spin-off for the wall. :'(

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