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Topics - ooh_jim

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I recently found a copy of Star Trek: Fleet Captains and its first expansion going for cheap on ebay due to a couple of the models being bust. I've been meaning to pick up some kind of miniatures game, and as a casual Trek fan I thought I'd check it out.

The game sells its self as the show in a box and it pretty much succeeds in that goal, with the Federation gameplay geared more towards exploration, the Klingons focused on combat, and the Romulans based on being sneaky bastards. Game length (and to a certain extent, complexity) is massively variable through the ship drafting mechanic at the start, and I've enjoyed the few games I've had enough to try and patch up the broken models.

I've managed to fix up two of the broken ships, but in order to finish the last one, I'm after a copy of the dial for the IRW Valdore. The ships stats can be tracked on its card in the ship deck, but the novelty of the click track hasn't yet worn off for me. If anyone here has a copy of the Valdore, I'd be massively grateful if you could scan in the dial from the ship's base and send me a copy so I can print it off and replace the dial from a spare base I have :D


They have the classics: red, yellow, blue, green, grey, black; the alt colours: white, orange, purple, pink, brown, and 'unpainted' (amber coloured, here); and the website's signature set of meeple colours: lime, lavender, turquoise, salmon, tan and sky blue.

They're for sale individually, in bulk, or as a set of 18; and they're available in the standard 16mm or mini-meeple sized 12mm. Stock is described as 'very limited', though, so get em while they're around.

General / Finished some new tuckboxes.. and my collection!
« on: April 01, 2017, 07:01:19 AM »
Not too long ago, I got in touch with Whaleyland who was kind enough to send over the original files for his excellent tuckboxes, and I adapted a bunch to house the expansions he hadn't got round to completing yet. I was going to just post some photos of the results, but as it looks unlikely we'll see any further Carc I expansions (and I've got no interest in collecting Carc II), I figured I'd go all in and cover the tuckboxes, storage, token replacement, and more in one big Check Out My Complete(?) Carcassonne Collection post.

Everything fits into the ArtBin carry case, (model 6962AB)

On the top shelf of the bin, the player sets are kept in 10x13cm drawstring bags from The Clever Baggers. Each of the 12 colours contains all 18 Carc I pieces, as well as an abbot.

Everything came from either the games or cundco, with the exception of the alt-phantoms, which were bought from MitchMedia on etsy

The top shelf also houses the scoreboard, both versions of the single-tile city, the Wheel of Fortune, Catapult, and ruler.

Finally, in the top shelf, there are two small plastic cases holding a bunch of assorted wooden pieces that I'm using to replace the cardboard tokens for various expansions. Swapping out the cardboard makes for a much nicer looking game in my opinion, and helps point various features out when throwing everything together for a game of mega carc. Everything in here was bought from spielmaterial.

Four wall pieces build up nicely over a two-tile city to make a castle:

Sheep (just got to remember not to put the token back in the bag once its drawn).

The Little Buildings.

Traders & Builders resources. I decided to go for the cloth stack chips over the shirt pieces.

The Plague. I was undecided for a while as to how to replace the flea tokens. I toyed with the idea of gravestone pieces, but in the end went for these little rats. Currently, I'm standing them up if they're active and on their side if they're inactive, however I think I might paint one side of them a different colour and distinguish them as being black side up/grey side up.

King's crown & Robber's cap. These pieces are useful if I'm including Count, King & Robber in a game of mega carc to denote the largest city & road, respectively. The cap is actually a ship piece from Kingdom Builder, but I figured the shape is close enough to the classic Robbin Hood look to get the point across.

I've still held onto the original tokens though, and kept them in 6x9cm bags, again from The Clever Baggers. Clockwise from the white bag: sheep/wolf tokens, castle tokens, gold pieces, flea/outbreak tokens, T&B resource tokens, misc pieces (count, teacher, mage, witch, dragon, fairy, big pig, fliers die), little buildings, ferries, catapult tokens, and tunnel chips.

Closeup on the tuckboxes. I prefer Whaleyland's tuckbox design over Tom's or JT Atomico's; so most of these are his original designs, with a few being slightly altered, and a few are made from scratch in Derek's style. Assuming that there's no further tiles to be released in the original artwork, I think I might buy some of the skew bridges to fill the empty space at the top right.

Any expansion with fewer than 6 tiles I put together into the promos box. I got La Porxada on ebay, and printed The Russian tiles myself.

I'm impressed that the artbin holds everything comfortably - its almost bursting at the seams, but inside there's still room for several more tiles should there ever be any more printed in the original art. I would have liked enough room to be able to include a consolidated rulebook - something like the CAR if it was stripped down to include only the rules.

Finally, I'd like to say a big thanks to Whaleyland for sending over his files. Hopefully he likes what I've done with them  :)

With Cundco's addition of the official grey abbot and a little help from Michmedia, I finally have a complete set of player pieces!

Being born into the Gotta Catch Em All generation, the completionist urge runs pretty deep (though admittedly, not deep enough to bother with the lime pieces), and on the road to obtaining all the pieces, I've collected a small number of spares.

If anyone is missing any of the pieces in the above picture, let me know and I can send them out. Note: the barn wagon and mayor meeples are all pieces which have been painted and don't quite match the others. The two phantoms in the top right are from MichMedia's rejected batch: one raspberry (very close in colour standard red phantom, and one olive).

Still available:

 :violet-meeple: shepherd
 :pink-meeple: shepherd
 :red-meeple: meeple, messenger
 :neutral-meeple: shepherd
 :white-meeple: shepherd
 :brown-meeple: shepherd
 :orange-meeple: abbot, shepherd

The Marketplace / Anyone selling Abbots?
« on: January 25, 2016, 06:03:30 AM »
I'm after the set of Abbots that come with Carc 2.0. Paul was kind enough to have sent me his spares over the holiday period but they were unfortunately lost in the post.  I figured I'd see if anyone is willing to part with their set before I start hunting round for a cheap copy of the new new base game that I could then try and flog on eBay as incomplete.

Got my alt coloured player sets today, and they each included an abbott. I know Dan mentioned recently that he hadn't seen alt abbotts for sale anwhere before, so I guess they must have added them recently.

The bad news is they won't sell them separately, you have to buy a complete player set consisting of everything (but the phantom). Furthermore, they are only selling purple/pink/orange/white/brown/uncoloured sets, so the only way to get your hands on the black/blue/green/red/yellow abbotts is to get a copy of 2.0.

This also means that there is still no way of getting a grey abbott, short of making your own. So if anyone out there is feeling crafty, I'm willing to buy one from you!

The Marketplace / WTB expansion coloured meeple sets
« on: November 07, 2015, 05:26:51 AM »
I'm looking to expand my collection and get a full set of meeples in orange, white, brown & unpainted. Unfortunately, Cundco seem to have run out of stock so I was wondering if anybody knows if they're for sale elsewhere, or has any that they wouldn't mind selling.

I've noticed that Boardgame Extras have brown, orange & unpainted in stock, however their sets are missing the robbers, messengers, shepherds & abbots. Furthermore, when I have bought extra meeples from these guys before, there has been a noticeable difference in colour from the official parts.

Alternatively, does anybody know if the sets will come back into stock at cundco?


 :neutral-meeple: :brown-meeple: :white-meeple: :orange-meeple:

General / Recommended Expansion (/mechanic) Combinations
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:28:44 AM »
This may have been discussed elsewhere before, but I just wondered if anyone can think of any expansions that complement each other particularly well.

For example, the robber baron works well with road extension mechanics (bridges, tunnels, ferries etc). And the fliers can be used for trying to repopulate areas following the dragon/tower/plague etc.

Looking to buy the two Russian promo tiles that were discovered a while a go

I know the originals are impossible to get, so if anyone is able to make decent quality home-made tiles and fancies helping me out, let me know.

The Marketplace / Spare pieces, free to a good home
« on: February 21, 2015, 05:01:27 AM »
The other day, I noticed something a little odd with my copy of the robbers.

I contacted Z-Man about the meeple mix up, but didn't hear anything back from them, so I turned to Cundco as I was planning on buying a copy of Wind roses & Belgian Monasteries from them. A few days later, and my package arrived, but something's still not right here.

Cundco sent me the wrong piece too. As it happens, I noticed that I'm missing four tiles from The Catapult, so I had to place another cundco order anyway. Naturally, as soon as I placed the order, I received an email from Z-Man saying they've posted a red robber to me.

So now I have a spare normal meeple, a spare messenger meeple and a spare whatever cundco decide to send me this time meeple (all red). If anyone's missing any of these pieces, or want some spares to paint or whatever, let me know and I can post them out to you; I'm based in the UK.

The Marketplace / WTB Pink & Purple Messengers & Robbers
« on: January 31, 2015, 08:33:16 AM »
Hi, I'm looking for somewhere that sells pink & purple versions of the meeples from the mini expansions.
I've seen them for sale at the Carcassonne Shoppe, however it appears that they're out of pink messengers. On top of that, paypal refuses to add either robber to my basket, in stead it just redirects me to the paypal homepage for some reason. I've reported the bug to them.

Does anyone know of anywhere else that stocks the pieces? Preferably either in Europe or the UK.


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