We have several copies of the River I and ordering the River II soon. Should be able to get a copy of River II now if you like. Check out our Shoppe's website if you want to see what else we may have, a lot of it is sold out though from this last week. PM your email address and will send you a Paypal invoice with a shipping quote to Canada (Will send it to you on Sunday since swamped at the moment)
Since rfielder is new around here, I feel the need to make an endorsement for Carcatronn and The Carcassonne Shoppe. I've made three or four purchases from him and we've got a good system going.
I have now purchased from the Carcassonne Shop, and find this to be a good place to spend my $$$. The vendor is very quick to reply, and provides excellent service.Just waiting for some details, and will likely place another order in the near future.
Welcome to one of Carcassonne's best kept secrets! Carcassonne Shoppe is undoubtedly one of our most valuable assets. Help get the word out though so it's not so secret
Uuuu, super secret project, that sounds cool, let us now when you unveil it!
Is this super secret project going to be another Kickstarter?
Started by Aelanor
Started by tristan.gaffney
Started by jazbang
Started by Khonnor
Started by Carcking