Think their licence expired last month. Asmodee digital now gave the rights. Check out...
Thanks for this information. The link you gave didn't work in the United States for some reason, but knowing it was Asmodee Digital was enough to figure out what to Google search for to find out what was going on.
I'm pretty pissed off and have absolutely no trust in Amazon now. And I probably should have no trust in Google Play either. (Since I presume people who purchased previously on Google Play can not download.) In my opinion it is stealing to prevent people from downloading a game that they purchased, whether they purchased it last month or 3 years ago. Some people buy games when they are cheap, and may wait years to play them. I've purchased roleplaying games for my computer that take 100 to 200 hours to complete, and I end up waiting until I'm ready to devote that much time to play them. It may be 3 years after I purchased the game, that I end up playing it. I expect when I buy a game, that I will be able to play it at *any* time in the future. The only exception to that rule is multiplayer games, where the server may go down, after so much time. But this wasn't an issue of the server going down here, but the fact that two companies are behaving, in my opinion, very unethical by not letting people download the games that they purchased. In the past, I believe I spent several hundred dollars on games on Amazon and Google Play, but I would never buy games on Amazon anymore for money and I don't think I will buy much on Google Play anymore, if I can't be guaranteed of downloading them anytime I want from either of those services.
Another thing, Valve (who runs Steam) never behaves in this type of manner. I own 3000 games on Steam, and maybe 20 of them are NOT available for purchase in the store any longer. Those games where there is a legal issue, where they are not in the store any longer, are still available for download by those who previously purchased them. I think Valve makes every developer agree to keep games available for download if any legal issues come up. I never in the 9 years that I been on Steam, had a game that I purchased not be available for download. I trust Steam and Valve, where I personally have absolutely no trust in Amazon and Google Play.
By the way, I have a little good news. I did a more thorough search on my Humble Bundle account, and I found that I do own Carcassonne. When I checked the first time, I did a search under "keys" and thats why it came up that I did not own it. If you search for a mobile-only game under the keys search field, then it will just return blank results. I switched the search field to purchases, then entered mobile, and clicked on each of the bundles, and found it, that way.
I played one game of Carcassonne, after reading the rules. I'm a little confused about scoring and stuff, if I can't figure it out soon, I'll ask some questions on here. Have a good day

Truly and Sincerely Yours,