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Wonders of Humanity II - Early release in Carcassonne


Next weekend, as part of the Carcassonne in Carcassonne event, we will be able to have early access to a new mini. Finally we will see Wonders of Humanity II, which includes: Tikal, Abu Simbel and Angkor Wat.

We don't know if the Ports of Carthage (as seen in the playtesting of the mini prototype was discarded or they just skiped it in this image). We'll find out soon... ;D


Death Meeple:
I hope they'll have it at Spiel Essen just like they did last year, I can't wait to get it :D
Also, I hope some of these Wonders are strong enough to counter Stonehenge, wich is over powerfull in large games!

Carcassonne King:
I wonder if the Tikal wonder will involve sacrificing your own meeples?


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