Hm. I think we would need an official clarification to indicate option C. By an exact reading of the rules, the castle would score 0 points and the meeple is returned to its owner, as in option B. From WiCa: "Both you and the player who would normally score points for that feature score its full points." The full points of a cemetery being 0, the castle scores 0. An official clarification would still be nice.
Quote from: Doom_Shark on December 09, 2022, 03:53:56 PMHm. I think we would need an official clarification to indicate option C. By an exact reading of the rules, the castle would score 0 points and the meeple is returned to its owner, as in option B. From WiCa: "Both you and the player who would normally score points for that feature score its full points." The full points of a cemetery being 0, the castle scores 0. An official clarification would still be nice.When the rules for Exp. 8 were written, the all features were scoring points only.
When the rules for Exp. 8 were written, the all features were scoring points only.
Not to mention the cities with Mayor but no pennants, and also other castles scoring 0 points.
This last interpretation seems logical to me too. A cemetery isn't scored, so it's not part of the strict "scoring a feature" phase and can't trigger the scoring of a castle. But indeed an official clarification would be welcome
If a mayor in a city with no pennants can cause a Castle Lord to score zero points, then a cemetery would work the same.
Started by Meepledrone
Started by jungleboy
Started by franks