Thanks Decar and Dan to put up with Jungleboy for a day in order to get my packages to him.
Next meetup should be in Portugal!
I'm still too bitter and enraged about having lost at pretty much everything, even Carcassonne! The latter being due to Tom persuading Rich that earning himself 1 point was better than earning himself 4 points if it also gave points to me. Still, who's laughing now? That's right, nobody, because everyone else has forgotten about it...
Next up was Carcassonne, I rarely get to play 4-player and it's nice to see such a busy board. I was late to the scoretrack, but it was a close game as you'll see.
Quote from: Decar on March 06, 2018, 09:16:04 AMNext up was Carcassonne, I rarely get to play 4-player and it's nice to see such a busy board. I was late to the scoretrack, but it was a close game as you'll see.I think I deserve merit for straightening up the tiles.
That's ridiculous, you were only tidying up your earlier mess.
Started by Decar
Started by danisthirty
Started by Paul
Started by Rich_The_Fish