I miss a screenshot of the game between Rich_The_Fish and Toastytoast in group C.
Congrats for Joaninmiedo! Crazy scoring with Cults and Cloisters...But can anyone explain to me how 40 points can be scored on south field? I see 30 there! I know, I'd still loose, but still it looks like a glitch.
Hi!Sorry Joansinmiedo, that I only could answer your message from Monday today.However, I wrot a message to you and Lukey-Dukey some 10 days ago and wanted to know when you would have time to play a game with me. Unfortunately I didn't receive an answer. Maybe something went wrong and the message has never ben sent off?I've written a new message to you and Lukey-Dukey. Hopfully we can play our game sometime until the end of the next week.
Started by Decar
Started by Scott
Started by kettlefish
Started by gantry