Here is the latest X-Score - I'm sorry it was not published quicker:

Remaining Group1 Matches:
LOMDR vs Halfling
Franks vs Curt194
It's been over two weeks and I've heard nothing from you - Please let us know when you are intending on playing.

Remaining Group2 Matches:
Joansinmiedo vs Lukey-Dukey
Joansinmiedo vs toastytoast
Please schedule a times to play.
If games remain unscheduled by
Friday 28th the result will not be included in the Round 2 ranking.
If neither player attempts to schedule the game, it will be recorded as a loss for both players.
If one player is inactive it will be recorded as a win for the active player.
Games scheduled for after Friday will still be included in the Round calculations.
Any unforeseen circumstances will be handled by the adjudicator (eg: me).
Please ensure you have attempted to schedule your games this week; any inactivity may result in exclusion from Round 2.
Round 2 will begin on Monday 31st August regardless of any remaining matches.
I received a package today which contains the prizes for this tournament. It would be a shame to miss out on these very special items due to inactivity. Owning such items would be to the envy of many Carcassonne collectors. [I almost skipped the country to avoid having to give them to anyone.]