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Game & Expansion Roundup for 2014
The following is a complete list of Carcassonne-branded games and expansions released in 2014.
Large Boxes
Carcassonne 2 with The Abbot and new art
Big Box 5 with The River featuring new art and pieces for 7-8 players
Large Expansions
Expansion #9: Sheep & Hills / Hills & Sheep
Mini Expansions:
Die Belagerer / The Besiegers (Hans im Glück)
The Halflings I (Spielbox)
The Halflings II (Hans im Glück)
The Monasteries in Germany (Hans im Glück)
The Monasteries in the Netherlands (999 Games)
Around The World #2: Gold Rush
Promotional Expansions:
Darmstadt (Darmstadt Spielt)
Carcassonne 2 – Spiel 2014
Around the World #2: Gold Rush: The Sheriff
A nice list.
Realising I am missing a lot of these. Falling behind. ^-^
Z-Man edition of Gold Rush arrives in stores this December.
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