- Posts:
- 1820 (0.422 per day)
- Merit:
- 105
- Gender:
- Male
- Age:
- 49
- Location:
- Italy
- (2000-2014)
- Base game: Standard edition:
- Owns
- Base game: Wheel of Fortune:
- Owns
- Exp 1: Inns & Cathedrals:
- Owns
- Exp 2: Traders & Builders:
- Owns
- Exp 3: The Princess & the Dragon:
- Owns
- Exp 4: The Tower:
- Owns
- Exp 5: Abbey & Mayor:
- Owns
- Exp 6: Count, King & Robber:
- Owns
- Exp 7: The Catapult:
- Owns
- Exp 8: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars:
- Owns
- Exp 9: Hills & Sheep:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 1: The Flying Machines:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 2: The Messengers:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 3: The Ferries:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 4: The Goldmines:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 5: Mage & Witch:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 6: The Robber:
- Owns
- Mini-exp 7: Crop Circles II:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2004/5: The Cathars:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2009/6: The Tunnel:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2010/6: The Plague:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2012/5: Little Buildings:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2013/5: The Wind Roses II:
- Owns
- Spielbox 2014/5: Halflings I:
- Owns
- River I:
- Owns
- King & Scout:
- Owns
- River II:
- Owns
- The Count:
- Owns
- The GQ#11 Expansion:
- Owns
- Shrines & Heretics:
- Owns
- Cult, Siege & Creativity:
- Owns
- Crop Circles I:
- Owns
- The Festival / 10th Anniversary edition:
- Owns
- The Phantom:
- Owns
- The School:
- Owns
- The Wind Roses:
- Owns
- The Besiegers:
- Owns
- Christmas Present:
- Unknown
- Monasteries in Germany:
- Owns
- Halflings II:
- Owns
- Darmstadt:
- Owns
- Monasteries in the NL & Belgium:
- Owns
- Castles in Germany:
- Owns
- City of Carcassonne Start Tile:
- Owns
- The Hut of Baba Yaga and Bogatyr:
- Owns
- Cathedrals in Germany:
- Unknown
- The Labyrinth:
- Unknown
- Nightingale the Robber and Vodyanoy:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Big Box 1 from 2006:
- No interest
- Carcassonne Big Box 2 from 2008:
- No interest
- Carcassonne Big Box 3 from 2010:
- No interest
- Carcassonne Big Box 4 from 2012:
- No interest
- Carcassonne Big Box 5 from 2014:
- Owns
- Around the World 1: South Seas:
- Owns
- Around the World 1 mini-exp: Friday:
- Owns
- Around the World 2: Gold Rush:
- Owns
- Around the World 2 mini-exp: The Sheriff:
- Owns
- Around the World 3: Amazonas:
- Unknown
- Around the World 3 mini-exp: Leipzig:
- Unknown
- Around the World 4: Safari:
- Unknown
- Around the World 4 mini-exp: Spiel Doch!:
- Unknown
- Ark of the Covenant:
- Owns
- Cardcassonne:
- Owns
- The Castle:
- Owns
- The Castle - Falcon:
- Unknown
- The City:
- Unknown
- The Dice Game:
- Owns
- The Discovery:
- Owns
- Hunters & Gatherers:
- Owns
- Hunters & Gatherers (2nd Edition):
- Unknown
- Mayflower / New World:
- Owns
- My First Carcassonne/Carcassonne Junior:
- Owns
- Carcassonne Junior (new edition):
- Unknown
- Over Hill and Dale:
- Owns
- Star Wars:
- Owns
- Star Wars – Expansion 1:
- Unknown
- Travel Carcassonne:
- Owns
- Zamek:
- Unknown
- Zamek: Sokol:
- Unknown
- Mists over Carcassonne :
- Unknown
- Mists over Carcassonne - Spell Circles:
- Unknown
- Winter Edition - Download Version:
- Unknown
- Winter Edition (WE1):
- Owns
- Winter Edition with River (WE2):
- Unknown
- Winter Edition with River, Abbot (WE3):
- Unknown
- Winter Edition (WE1)-The Gingerbread Man:
- Owns
- Winter Edition (WE1) - Crop Circles:
- Owns
- (2014-2024)
- Carcassonne base game:
- Owns
- Exp 1: Inns & Cathedrals:
- Owns
- Exp 2: Traders & Builders:
- Owns
- Exp 3: The Princess & the Dragon:
- Unknown
- Exp 4: The Tower:
- Unknown
- Exp 5: Abbey & Mayor:
- Unknown
- Exp 6: Count, King & Robber:
- Unknown
- Exp 8: Bridges, Castles & Bazaars:
- Unknown
- Exp 9: Hills & Sheep:
- Unknown
- Exp 10: Under the Big Top:
- Unknown
- Big Box 6 (2017):
- Unknown
- Demo Version:
- Owns
- Carcassonne for 2:
- Unknown
- Spiel '14 Tile:
- Owns
- Spiel '15 Tile:
- Owns
- Spiel '16 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '17 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '18 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '19 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '20 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '21 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '22 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '23 Tile:
- Unknown
- Spiel '24 Tile:
- Unknown
- The Labyrinth:
- Unknown
- Japanese Buildings:
- Unknown
- The Watchtowers:
- Unknown
- Saint Nicholas Scoring Board:
- Unknown
- The Festival:
- Unknown
- The Markets of Leipzig:
- Unknown
- Fruit Bearing Trees:
- Unknown
- German Monasteries:
- Unknown
- The Barber-Surgeons:
- Unknown
- Spiel Doch Mini Expansion:
- Unknown
- Castles in Germany:
- Unknown
- The Tollkeepers:
- Unknown
- Cathedrals in Germany:
- Unknown
- Halflings:
- Unknown
- CutCassonne:
- Unknown
- The Land Surveyors:
- Unknown
- The Demo Spiel:
- Unknown
- (2019-2023)
- Carcassonne Maps - Germany:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Benelux:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - France:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Iberian Peninsula:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Great Britain:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - USA West:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - USA East:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Taiwan:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Ukraine:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Map Chips:
- Unknown
- (2020-present)
- 20th Anniversary Edition:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne 3.0 (2021):
- Unknown
- Big Box 3.0 (2021):
- Unknown
- Peasant Revolts:
- Unknown
- The Gifts:
- Unknown
- The Signposts:
- Unknown
- The Festival (C3):
- Unknown
- Castles in Germany (C3):
- Unknown
- Ukraine Tile:
- Unknown
- The Bets:
- Unknown
- 3D Starting Landscape:
- Unknown
- 3D Starting Landscape with Alt. Inlay:
- Unknown
- The Wonders of Humanity - Set I (C3):
- Unknown
- Cathedrals in Germany (C3):
- Unknown
- The Markets of Leipzig (C3):
- Unknown
- German Monasteries (C3):
- Unknown
- The Tollkeepers (C3):
- Unknown
- The Drawbridges:
- Unknown
- The Watchtowers (C3):
- Unknown
- Fruit-bearing Trees (C3):
- Unknown
- Snakes & Ladders:
- Unknown
- The 4 Seasons - Spring:
- Unknown
- The Wonders of Humanity - Set II (C3):
- Unknown
- The Festival - revised (C3):
- Unknown
- Halflings (C3):
- Unknown
- The 4 Seasons - Autumn:
- Unknown
- (2023-)
- Carcassonne Maps - Germany:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Benelux:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - France:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Iberian Peninsula:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Great Britain:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - USA West:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - USA East:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Taiwan:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Ukraine:
- Unknown
- Carcassonne Maps - Nordics:
- Unknown
- Mini Bundle - Set I:
- Unknown
- Lucca Map Mini Game:
- Unknown
- Date Registered:
- February 08, 2013, 02:35:52 PM
- Local Time:
- December 04, 2024, 07:02:18 AM
- Last Active:
- August 14, 2016, 05:32:57 PM
A knight is sworn to valour.His heart knows only virtue.
His blade defends the helpless.
His might upholds the weak.
His word speaks only truth.
His wrath undoes the wicked.
My works.