Here is our largest game so far... List of extensions here under.
The game took a whole day, and I don't think we'll play such a game any time soon, unless I find a partner who loves those big games as much as I do...
It was way too long for my gf, and she lost it when I used the a strategy similar to the Abbot loop scoring strategy ( ) in order to place meeple as abbots on every special monastery during the last turns of the game.
As my score was a few hundreds below hers, the synod gift allowed me to place a meeple as an abbot on special monastery, continue one of her feature, collect the last gift card (the one I just used) and start again with every meeple in order to score big points at the end of the game...
Also, I had the longest road and largest city, allowing me to score 99 points for cities and 134 for roads!
I hope we didn't make too much mistakes about the rules interactions
Game ended with 2147 to 2006 points.
Content of the game:
Base Game
The Abbot
Exp. 1 - Inns & Cathedrals
Exp. 2 - Traders & Builders
Exp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon
Exp. 4 - The Tower
Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor
Exp. 6 - Count, King & Robber
Exp. 7 - The Catapult
Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars
Exp. 9 - Hills & Sheep
Exp. 10 - Under the Big Top
Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries
The Wheel of Fortune (as a standalone)
Mini #1 - The Flying Machines
Mini #2 - The Messengers
Mini #3 - The Ferries
Mini #4 - The Goldmines
Mini #5 - Mage & Witch
Mini #6 - The Robbers
Mini #7 - The Crop Circles II
The Crop Circles I
20th Anniversary Expansion
20th Anniversary River
Bets, The
Festival 10 years, The
Games Quarterly #11
Gifts, The
Halflings I
Halflings II
Japanese Buildings
Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium
Phantom, The
Russian Promos 2013: Baba Yaga and Bogatyr's Choice
Russian Promos 2016: Soloveï Odikhmantievitch and Vodianoï
School, The
Spell Circles, The
Spiel Doch! Promo 2/2018
Spiel Promo 2014
Spiel Promo 2015
Spiel Promo 2016
Spiel Promo 2017
Spiel Promo 2018
Spiel Promo 2019
Spiel Promo 2020
Spiel Promo 2021
Spiel Promo 2022
Spiel Promo 2023
Tollkeepers, The
Ukraine Promo
Wonders of Humanity set I, The
3D Starting Landscape with Alternative Inlay