In case you hadn't realised, Christmas day is now just
60 days away!
To mark this special milestone, I'm taking the opportunity to launch what I hope will be a successful Carcassonne Central initiative that can be repeated for years to come; our very own
Secret Santa!

The premise is very simple. Anybody who signs up to take part will:
a) send a Christmas present directly to someone else from CarcC
b) receive a Christmas present directly from someone else at CarcC
Present recipients will be drawn randomly for everyone (by me) so you won't necessarily know who your secret santa is. I would anticipate that presents will be Carcassonne/ boardgame related though, and it would be really nice if there was some kind of personal touch (perhaps something that you've made or painted yourself?) to make the gifts that are given truly unique and special, rather than just a sheet of 50/100 score tiles or a set of meeples. It's all about the giving after all, so please be prepared to give something that you yourself wouldn't be disappointed to receive!

Also, I'm quite looking forward to seeing some photos of CarcC member given Christmas presents sitting underneath Christmas trees around the world so the other rule is that nobody is allowed to open their present until Christmas day (unless there is a common sense reason why they should be allowed to).
Sound good? Any questions?
If you would like to be included and are willing and able to make a fellow CarcC member's Christmas by sending them a suitably awesome Carcassonne or boardgaming themed Christmas present then please sign up now!
I'm in! 
(please join me - otherwise I'll have to send myself a Christmas present and pretend I don't know who it's from)