Author Topic: UK Carcassonne: Mini Teams Tournament... places available!  (Read 2196 times)

Offline danisthirty

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UK Carcassonne: Mini Teams Tournament... places available!
« on: February 04, 2022, 02:02:12 AM »
Yo dudes.

As some of you may be aware, alongside my admin job at Carcassonne Central I'm also the captain of the UK Carcassonne team. This isn't necessarily an official title, but in terms of Carcassonne's online World/ European Team Championships I captain the team that represents the UK, and am always scouting out new talent to join our team and share in the fun and excitement of these high-profile competitions.

In order to help welcome new members to the team, we will be running a mini teams tournament which I'm hoping to kick off on Monday 14th February. It will share a similar format to the WTCOC/ ETCOC events, but will be a round-robin format competition between teams of 5, with each match being won or lost based on the outcome of 3 "duels" (a duel is a "best 2 out of 3" between 2 players from opposing teams using the basegame only). This means that 2 players per match can be rested, but it is expected/ hoped that all players will be able to take part in at least one match. Everything is online, and is played via (BGA) so you won't need to worry about random people turning up on your doorstep to play Carcassonne with you! :o

Full tournament details will be made available soon and I can answer any questions you may have, but for now I'm hoping to rapidly assemble a sixth team as one of the teams dropped out recently and an odd number of teams will mean that one team has to sit out of each round which I'd rather avoid if possible. Which is why I'm writing this post! The five other teams are captained by existing members of the UK team who have drafted in UK-based friends, family members and complete strangers to populate their teams; and now I need to do the same...

So, if you are a UK-based Carcassonne player who would like a good excuse to play some online Carcassonne in a friendly, encouraging environment then I'd be delighted to welcome you to my team! :(y) It would be beneficial if you're already a member at BGA and have played a few games there, and of course it would be good if you already know how to play Carcassonne ::) But where there's a will there's a way, so if this is something you'd be keen to be involved in then please let me know either by replying here or sending me a direct message!

Dan :) :(y)


Offline danisthirty

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Re: UK Carcassonne: Mini Teams Tournament... places available!
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2022, 07:21:06 AM »
Happy to report that cicerunner has joined the team! :(y)

3 space left for anyone else who wants to join...

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