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Mists over Carcassonne

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Very interesting !
Also here the photo share by HiG in their Instagram, we can see the prototype here with a 2x2 tile !

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So excited about it!!  I want it!!! emoji code33]

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Here you are a thread on CarcF about this expansion/spin-off. PresetM is helping KJW with the play testing, so you can see his comments here (in German):

Now THIS is exciting!!!  :gray-meeple: :white-meeple: :orange-meeple:
And it looks like the ghost meeples will have the frozen design


--- Quote from: Linksux on February 24, 2022, 07:12:02 AM ---Very interesting !
Also here the photo share by HiG in their Instagram, we can see the prototype here with a 2x2 tile !

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

--- End quote ---

Look at the green meeple at the top left corner, is it a new kind of meeple?
Or a shepherd, bent due to photo distortion, and placed in a city for an unknown reason  :o


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