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Messages - Meepledrone

Pages: 1 ... 271 272 [273] 274 275 ... 323
General / Re: Where are we going?
« on: March 30, 2020, 03:24:14 PM »
Get more meeeeeplesssss!!!!

News and Events / Re: Carcassonne - Halb So Wild (neue Edition)
« on: March 30, 2020, 02:56:18 PM »
Are you sure?

My knees are shaking waiting for the revampted rules... I suspect they will replicate the C1 rules... Will they have updated the rules and the scoring examples to match the clarifications by Georg Wild? Will 1 tile = 1 point?

Guys, make your bets!  >:D

General / Re: Suggestion:COVID-19 for Spiel 20 Tile
« on: March 30, 2020, 02:24:42 PM »
Hi Murphy013,

Thank you so much for stepping forward.

+1 meter from me.

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 29, 2020, 08:56:32 AM »
[174.] How many points do you receive for a road that starts and ends on a same double-tile? You receive 1 point or 2 points for the double-tile?

The tile is counted only once, as any regular tile. You would get 1 point for the double-sized tile as per the normal rules.

You also can see here that a road starting and ending at a German castle only gets the 3-point bonus once, that is, the double-sized tile is considered only once in all respects:

[175.] Can you place the tollhouse on a road occupied by other tollhouse?

There is no limitation in the rules in this regard. The only limitation is that the crossroads you choose to place your tollhouse has to be free.

So, you may place a tollhouse on a free crossroads at the end of one road even if the other end is another crossroads already occupied by another player's tollhouse.

You can revisit the rules here (I added a clarification as a result of your question):

[176.] Can you place the phantom in a turn in which you place the tollhouse?

Yes, you can place your phantom after placing or moving your tollhouse. The tollhouse is placed instead of one of your meeples as first figure, but you can place your phantom as second figure on your turn.

You can revisit the whole turn sequence here: 

[177.] "You resolve step 1A for message 4. (It's a full turn)". Where is written that?

I haven't found it in any clarification but it is the interpretation of the rules you can make after noticing you can have a double turn when resolving a Message 4 tile. If so, there is no reason to perform a full turn and follow a normal turn sequence as described in the Order of Play.

You can see the clarification about Message 4 and the builder double turn here:

You can revisit the whole turn sequence of the Order of Play here: 

[178.] Can you place a meeple and the phantom on the labyrinth-tile in the same turn?

You can place only one of them as you are occupying one feature only, you can place either one of your wooden meeples or your phantom on the labyrinth tile.

Take also into consideration the occupancy rules for the labyrinth:
* Basic rules: you can only occupy the labyrinth tile if no meeple is placed on the connected roads.
* Advance rules: you can occupy the labyrinth tile no matter the meeples placed on the connected roads.

You can revisit the Labyrinth rules here:

[179.] Can you place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne  if you receive points for big top?

As per the rules, after placing a tile, you can place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne if you received no points for features scored in phase 3. Scoring a feature but at least one other player did. This includes the big top.

So if you get points for the big top, you will not be able to deploy a meeple to then city of Carcassonne. On the other hand, if you place a circus tile and get no points from the scoring the big top (or any other completed feature) and at least one player does, then you would be allowed to place a meeple in the City of Carcassonne.

You can revisit the rules about meeple deployment to the city of Carcassonne here:,_King_and_Robber#2._Placing_a_meeple_in_the_City_of_Carcassonne

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 29, 2020, 06:14:50 AM »
Maybe the question was meant to be "fly from a tower" - could be a house rule/variant - add extra distance depending on the height of the tower  ;)

Ha ha ha!

That would be something new... Are you creating tower tiles with flying machines? This would be an fan-expansion thing.  ;D

I think I came across with something similar with cliffs. :o

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 27, 2020, 05:04:09 PM »
[173.] Can you fly on a tower?

This case is not covered in the rules or existing clarifications. The interpretation of the rules lead to the conclusion that meeples can be flown to any incomplete feature even if it is occupied except for fields, this means that the feature should be able to be completed and scored. A tower cannot be claimed, completed or scored, so it should be discarded as a valid destination for a flier.

Note: If flying meeples to a tower was allowed, you would have a new conundrum to solve: how to deal with more than one meeple on top of a tower. Not a big deal, but it is something not covered in the rules either.

I understand you would prefer to land a flier to a tower as a last resort instead of removing a figure due to the luck of other options in the destination tile but, if your initial intention is to place your meeple on a tower, why don't do it directly instead of pushing your luck (if it was allowed).

You can check here the placement rules for a flier and for a meeple on a tower:
* The flier rules:
* The placement of meeples on a tower:

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 26, 2020, 01:57:34 PM »
Your welcome! Glad to help.

And welcome to my world  ;)

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 26, 2020, 01:00:38 PM »
[172.] And what happens if you receive the message 4 between step 2 and 3? The step 3 is postponed?

The turn sequence would be the following:
- You resolve step 1A for the normal turn. You receive message 4 and perform a full nested turn for the message
- You resolve step 1B for the normal turn.
- You resolve step 1C for the normal turn.
- You resolve step 2 for the normal turn.
   - You resolve step 1A for message 4. (It's a full turn)
   - You resolve step 1B for message 4.
   - You resolve step 1C for message 4.
   - You resolve step 2 for message 4.
   - You resolve step 3 for message 4.
   - You resolve step 4, if applicable, for message 4. (You may even enjoy a double turn)
- You resolve step 3 for the normal turn.
- You resolve step 4, if applicable, for the normal turn.

You can check here more info about the rounds of scoring:
* Rounds of Scoring:
* Order of Play:

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 26, 2020, 12:09:30 PM »
[170.] Which is the correct order?
a) You resolve step 1A. You receive message 4. You resolve steps 1B and 1C for the normal turn. You resolve step 2 for the normal turn. You resolve step 3 for the normal turn. You resolve message's 4 turn.
b) You resolve step 1A. You receive message 4. You resolve steps 1B and 1C for message 4. You resolve step 2 for message 4. You resolve step 3 for message 4. You resolve step 1B and 1C for the normal turn. You resolve step 2 for the normal turn. You resolve step 3 for the normal turn.
c) You resolve step 1A. You receive message 4. You resolve steps 1B and 1C for message 4. You resolve step 2 for message 4. You resolve step 3 for message 4. You resolve steps 1B and 1C for the normal turn. You resolve step 2 for the normal turn. You resolve step 3 for the normal turn.
d) You resolve step 1A. You receive message 4. You resolve steps 1B and 1C for message 4. You resolve step 2 for message 4. You resolve steps 1B and 1C for the normal turn. You resolve step 2 for the normal turn. You resolve step 3 for message 4 and step 3 for the normal turn together.

The turn sequence would be:
- You resolve step 1A for the normal turn. You receive message 4 and perform a full nested turn for the message
   - You resolve step 1A for message 4. (It's a full turn)
   - You resolve step 1B for message 4.
   - You resolve step 1C for message 4.
   - You resolve step 2 for message 4.
   - You resolve step 3 for message 4.
   - You resolve step 4, if applicable, for message 4. (You may even enjoy a double turn)
- You resolve step 1B for the normal turn.
- You resolve step 1C for the normal turn.
- You resolve step 2 for the normal turn.
- You resolve step 3 for the normal turn.
- You resolve step 4, if applicable, for the normal turn.

You can check here more info about the rounds of scoring:
* Rounds of Scoring:
* Order of Play:

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 26, 2020, 11:29:39 AM »
[169.] Basic question but I had a dout playing jcloisterzone:

[a)] One a shepard is on a field, there is no possiblity to add a farmer ? It is weird since normally shepard is considered not a follower.

[b)] On the other hand, we can add a shepard to a previously occupied farm by a farmer, which seems logical

[c)] Or did I missread something ? I was reading wikicarpedia for a while but couldn't find answer

Hi totor66,

JCZ v4.4.1 is not fully polished and some actions are not implemented correctly:
a) is an error: You should add a farmer to a field with a shepherd.
b) is correctly implemented
c) You are not missing anything.

This version also has some issues when:
* Placing some of the weird tiles in the expansion (you get an spurious Java exception you cannot shake off and some cities cannot be completer because of it).
* Closing a field with shepherds, they are not scored automatically. So shepherd may be trapped.
* Placing a shepherd in an inner field from other expansions, it is not scored automatically either. So shepherd may be trapped.

Sorry for the bad news. Hope this helps.


Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 26, 2020, 10:20:43 AM »
[171.] I got a quick question. I noticed that the rules in Wikicarpedia for C2 'The Princess and the Dragon' changed the turn sequence for the Dragon movement to 2B, Why? Physical rules say it happens at Phase 1B.

Sent from my HMA-L29 using Tapatalk

Hi Luijosep,

Welcome to the forum. Bienvenido al foro... para que veas que aquí hablamos de todo.  ;)

If you check the rules for the dragon tile, first you place the tile (action belonging to phase 1. Placing a tile) and then you may place a meeple (action belonging to phase 2. Placing a meeple). Right after that you move the dragon. So even if HiG misleadingly number the dragon movement as phase 1B, it is actually phase 2b as it happens after finishing phase 2. Placing a meeple and before phase 3. Scoring a feature.

That's why we renamed the dragon movement as phase 2b in the dragon rules (unwinding the rules to make them clearer) and in the Order of Play:
* The dragon tile rules:
* Order of Play:

As you can see HiG is inconsistent in their rules and sometimes mislead players. Hope this helps.


Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 26, 2020, 07:21:13 AM »
[164.] Can you place the abbey or a castle of Germany with the message 4?

There is no rule or clarification covering this case.

The rules of Message 4 are written taking into considerations the base game, so no provision is made for those cases when players may have tiles in their supply such as abbeys, German castles or Halflings. However, performing Message 4 assumes you are executing a normal turn with all its consequences, even double turns granted by builders as you can see here:

The interpretation of the rules would not prevent players from using a tile in their supply instead of drawing a tile. For bazaars you will always have to draw new tiles to set up an action, though.

Therefore, the turn sequence described in the Order of Play would be valid for a regular/double turn and for extra turns provided by Message 4:

[165.] Do you receive the 3 fairy-bonus points if you remove the abbot?

No, the abbot won't get the 3-point fairy score bonus when removed.

The scoring of the removed abbot takes place in phase 2. Placing a meeple and the 3-point fairy score bonus takes place in phase 3. Scoring a feature, this means the 3-point fairy score bonus does not apply to the abbot when removed.

You may check the Order of Play to check the sequence of events and the fairy scoring in relation to scoring the abbot when removed and the acrobats when scored.
* Order of Play:
* Scoring during the game:

[166.] In a pyramid there are 3 acrobat. You assign the fairy to acrobat A. What happens with the 1 and 3 bonus points (fairy) for acrobat B and C if the acrobat A is removed?

Acrobats B and C will be entitled neither to the 1-point fairy bonus during the game nor to the 3-point fairy score bonus at the end of the game if the acrobats are scored at the end of the game.

If you check the following clarification about the fairy and adding meeples to a feature with a crop circle. Only the meeple assigned to the fairy get the bonus, bearing in mind the acrobats are a special case: assigning the fairy to one acrobat benefits all the acrobats in the pyramid. So if you remove the meeple assigned to the fairy, the association would be broken and the other meeples will not benefit from the fairy bonus anymore.

Crop Circles: Only one meeple can be "next to" (or connected to) the fairy. Thus, only one meeple will receive points from the fairy. Even if another meeple is placed in the same feature on the same tile (as with the Crop Circles), this would not be considered "next to" the fairy.

You can see this check this clarification here:

[167.] What happens with the 3 fairy-bonus points if you score a feature with the message 8?

If you score a meeple that would get the 3-point binary score bonus at the end of the game, you should get it as per the interpretation of the rules.

The rules indicate all the features existing in the base game here, including fields, that is, during the game and after the game. We are interested in the scoring happening after the game in this case:

[168.] What happens with the 3 fairy-bonus points at the end of the game?

At the end of the game, you apply the 3-point fairy score bonus as usual for the meeple assigned to the fairy when the feature it is placed on is scored.

The rules indicate all the features existing in the base game here, including fields, that is, during the game and after the game. We are interested in the scoring happening after the game in this case:


My pleasure!

Official Rules / Re: Questions
« on: March 25, 2020, 01:42:29 PM »
[161.] But what happens if you receive, for example, in the 1A, the message 4? The turn is interrupted by message's 4 turn? Or you resolve the message 4 after steps 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B-1, 2B-2, 2C, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3C and 4A?

If you are checking the Order of Play (ans its step numbering ;))... will be able to resolve messages at the following points in your turn:
* Between steps 1A and 1B <-- Messages (#1A)
* Between steps 1B and 1C <-- Messages (#1B)
* Between steps 1C and 2A <-- Messages (#1C)
* Between steps 2C and 2D <-- Messages (#2)
* Between steps 3C and 4A <-- Messages (#3)
* Between steps 4A and 4B <-- Messages (#4)

Message 4 will grant a complete nested turn to the active player taking place at any of this points. It will happen at the end of a step so you would not perform the message with a scoring or any other action half way. It is the same for all other messages.

Please review the section about rounds of scoring that addresses all this precisely:

[162.] The hill affects the farmers?

Yes, of course. Hills will serve as a tie break for farmers too.

You can revisit the rules here, where farmers are mentioned explicitly:

[163.] The hill affects the shepherds?

No. Hills do not affect shepherds, since they are not meeples. Shepherds are special figures and they will always share a flock when on the same field.

You can revisit the rules here: 

Official Rules / Re: Connecting to Leipzig
« on: March 24, 2020, 04:51:18 PM »
Hi there!

I normally use for translations and it is usually better than Google Translator.

This is the translation I get from the German rules:

Von allen Stadtvierteln Leipzigs führt eine Straße weg. Alle Straßen, die damit verbunden sind, bieten dir die Möglichkeit, einen Meeple nach Leipzig zu schicken. Dies gilt auch für Straßen, die nicht direkt nach Leipzig führen, aber über Dörfer mit einer Straße nach Leipzig verbunden sind.

There is a road leading away from all districts of Leipzig. All streets that are connected to it offer you the possibility to send a Meeple to Leipzig. This also applies for roads that do not lead directly to Leipzig, but through villages are connected with a road to Leipzig.

So the roads considered are:
* Roads connected to Leipzig directly
* Roads connected to a village which connected directly to Leipzig

Hope this helps.

Unofficial Rules / Re: Leaving gaps on the board game
« on: March 24, 2020, 03:56:04 PM »
Hi OlivierWery,

Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy a lot all the contents and discussions you may find here.

Although leaving a gap in the game board is always ugly to the eye, it is perfectly valid.


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