Author Topic: Carcassonne Hunters and Gatherers (2020) - moaning about new artwork... the story continues  (Read 3534 times)

Offline Bumsakalaka

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The illustrations are beautiful althought not confortable to play.

Same situation was with Carcassonne C2 version. But when you for example start with C2, there is no difference for playing. Just for me, C1 of Carcassonne is no so nice as C2.

So, it's need time and I hope there will me some big and multiple small expansions for this spin-off

Check Fan Expansion section on WikiCarpedia and also some Slovak sci-fi projects in English

Offline DrMeeple

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The illustrations are beautiful althought not confortable to play.

Same situation was with Carcassonne C2 version. But when you for example start with C2, there is no difference for playing. Just for me, C1 of Carcassonne is no so nice as C2.

So, it's need time and I hope there will me some big and multiple small expansions for this spin-off

I respect your opinion but I’m not agree with you. C2 are not good to play... Your eyes could bleed with the colours. Hunters and gatheres new edition is better than C2 but not enough for me.
I mix expansions at my own risk.

Offline Bumsakalaka

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The illustrations are beautiful althought not confortable to play.

Same situation was with Carcassonne C2 version. But when you for example start with C2, there is no difference for playing. Just for me, C1 of Carcassonne is no so nice as C2.

So, it's need time and I hope there will me some big and multiple small expansions for this spin-off

I respect your opinion but I’m not agree with you. C2 are not good to play... Your eyes could bleed with the colours. Hunters and gatheres new edition is better than C2 but not enough for me.
The illustrations are beautiful althought not confortable to play.

Same situation was with Carcassonne C2 version. But when you for example start with C2, there is no difference for playing. Just for me, C1 of Carcassonne is no so nice as C2.

So, it's need time and I hope there will me some big and multiple small expansions for this spin-off

I respect your opinion but I’m not agree with you. C2 are not good to play... Your eyes could bleed with the colours. Hunters and gatheres new edition is better than C2 but not enough for me.

I understand. I talked witl multiple C1 players and they have same feeling, that for them is better to play C1 version.
But I talked also with multiple players of C2 and they have zero problems with new version.

I thing it's about habit.

Offline Drodo

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I started playing on C2, that's how I met the game. Then I learned C1 existed and it was so much better.

I think they did the same mistake with the new H&G. Radioactive green and too many unecesary features. Visual contamination is a thing.

Offline DrMeeple

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I started playing on C2, that's how I met the game. Then I learned C1 existed and it was so much better.

I think they did the same mistake with the new H&G. Radioactive green and too many unecesary features. Visual contamination is a thing.

Oh man! So true!!

Offline DIN0

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CII really is too visually noisy. That is a price to pay for more detailed graphics.
I believe certain design choices were made to make the game more readable, but I think it backfired.
Best example are pennants - they made them bigger and even highlighted them, but they get lost in the crowded cities. Whats more, when viewed from a distance, the new pennants are easily mistaken for the new "watertowers" - an addition to CII graphic that will be, no doubt, one day utilized by some expansion.

Original Hunters and gatherers had that relaxing autumn feel. This new one is too cartoony.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 01:36:40 PM by tp10053 »

Offline TheDoctor_13

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For base Carcassonne, I prefer C2 myself. Partly because its what I entered the game with and I enjoyed it's design more.
- I love the Blue Roofs, which is closer to real Carcassonne
- The cities are more populated. They can feel a little busy but don't think it distracts from play-ability at all.
- Roads feel a bit more rutted in
- The extra graphical detail (Gardens and the like)

Now the new app, is too much in its design. I do think they maybe De-saturate C2 a little bit, like they started to change the cities from this really dark mud brown to a brighter dryer brown starting in Traders & Builders I think? I need to replace my copy of Base and Inns.

For Hunters & Gatherers, if you asked me before I played it I would've said I disliked C1's art. I have grown to appreciate it, its charming. I don't mind the new art, but it is too saturated like the app is. Forest and Meadows are fine, but those rivers need to be toned down, and overall feels a bit less readable. I'm likely still buying the new version for myself since it comes with extras built in and is easier to grab.

Offline Bumsakalaka

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For base Carcassonne, I prefer C2 myself. Partly because its what I entered the game with and I enjoyed it's design more.
- I love the Blue Roofs, which is closer to real Carcassonne
- The cities are more populated. They can feel a little busy but don't think it distracts from play-ability at all.
- Roads feel a bit more rutted in
- The extra graphical detail (Gardens and the like)

Now the new app, is too much in its design. I do think they maybe De-saturate C2 a little bit, like they started to change the cities from this really dark mud brown to a brighter dryer brown starting in Traders & Builders I think? I need to replace my copy of Base and Inns.

For Hunters & Gatherers, if you asked me before I played it I would've said I disliked C1's art. I have grown to appreciate it, its charming. I don't mind the new art, but it is too saturated like the app is. Forest and Meadows are fine, but those rivers need to be toned down, and overall feels a bit less readable. I'm likely still buying the new version for myself since it comes with extras built in and is easier to grab.

absollute agree with your opition.
Only thing is to call C1 of H&G somehown different, maybe H&G1 but this can be misspeled with HiG.
Hmm any suggestions?

Offline Meepledrone

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H&G1 sounds fine...  ;D
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