remember that carc 1 and carc 2 are compatible each other, so, for me, there must always be a single document with all the interactions.
The text syle in the rules for the CC II edition is different to the CC I edition. Also even in the base game CC II are the rules different. There are less main information than in the CC I edition.There are many questions never asked for the CC II edition.CC II edition: A list for the tiles is missing at HiG. Even the rules for the expansions for the CC II edition are not at the HiG homepage.
Does anyone of you asked obervet if he likes to collect all pieces of the CC II edition?
In our Czech board we have a wiki page under construction. Will be available really soon
Could it be maintained as a multi-language wiki?
Wasnt there a topic already for a Carcassonne wiki?
i guess it would be nice to have a final CAR for 1st edition. I do think however that 1st and 2nd edition are the same game and I mix and match tiles from both editions and there are certain to be new expansions which raise questions about their interactions with v1 expansions.I personally would much rather have a PDF CAR than a wiki.It's nice to have a single document that I can take with me on holiday and not have to worry about needing an Internet connection to check the rules
Started by CarcinFool
Started by aenima
Started by kettlefish
Started by asparagus