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Messages - gamgeefan2

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Yes, just an additional copy of the standard Amazonas tile set to make a larger game.

Any US members want to do a group buy?  Shipping for a single map is 44.95 Euro, but goes up to only 59.95 Euro with 5:  even split of shipping costs for the group order and then actual shipping cost from whoever hosts the order to each individual in the group.

Note: based on the Cundco site images, the 3.0 USA West map corrects the 3 misspellings in the original map.  So now I need to decide if I spring for the full 3.0 set now (and sell my existing complete set of original maps), or just wait for the 3.0 USA maps to be available for individual orders.  If so, we can move to a  a new thread for 2023 Spring Novelties USA group order.

News and Events / Re: New releases on April 28th
« on: April 19, 2023, 02:47:06 PM »
All ten maps will be C3 (Idk what it means and I already own 9 of them).
Me too.  Not re-buying first nine because the artwork on tiles showing cities is a little different.  If they correct the 3 spelling errors on the US West map, I might consider that one!

General / Re: Mega Game and Tile Organization
« on: April 19, 2023, 02:45:14 PM »
Hi Meles,
I'm also in the US and bought nearly all the C1 (by that I mean one of each set... not every different release from every publisher like some true collectors on here) a couple years ago.  If you ever decide you want any of those, please let me know and I'll create a new public post of "C1 for sale".  I'll look for any extra C2 I might have, and if any will reply in this post with details.
Hi. If you're willing to ship in Europe, I'd be interested in the following C1 items:
- Cult, Siege & Creativity
- Besiegers
- Castles in Germany
- Crop Circles
- Darmstadt Promo
- The Festival (10 years)
- Halflings II
- Russian Promos I
- Russian Promos II
- Cathars
- Heretics and Shrines
- The Plague
- The Tunnel
I'll start a new post offering C1 for sale with pricing.  I'm happy to ship to Europe, but I think you'll find higher availability in Europe for many of these, and also for less than shipping from the US will cost you.

General / Re: Mega Game and Tile Organization
« on: April 18, 2023, 04:07:55 PM »
Hi Meles,
I'm also in the US and bought nearly all the C1 (by that I mean one of each set... not every different release from every publisher like some true collectors on here) a couple years ago.  If you ever decide you want any of those, please let me know and I'll create a new public post of "C1 for sale".  I'll look for any extra C2 I might have, and if any will reply in this post with details.

French castles and monasteries!  :)
Yes, this too please!  Or castles of Europe... pull in all the countries where we've seen fan made castles or monastaries expansions as official releases.

Another opton would be to release an official summer-winter expansion that allows you to combine the regular and the Winter Edition with River and all once and for all...
Oh yes! That would be awesome !

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I'd buy that version!

What if they included in the Anniversary set all those long-lost mini expansions converted to C3?

General / Re: Personal tile from Marcel Gröber
« on: March 05, 2023, 06:50:49 AM »
I had suggested the following rules (as something new):

The giant helps a meeple climb the outer wall of the city, and therefore the meeple has direct access to the city.
This means when you add a "giant" tile to a city, you can place one of your meeples on the city segment EVEN IF the city is already occupied
Nice idea!  This one sounds particularly fun, and appropriate to the giant theme.

Can confirm that the French version is being released in Canada within the next few months. I’ve already got a preorder in. We’re just waiting for the container to arrive from Europe.
Hi Scott.  Where'd you place your pre-order?  I have ordered from Boardgamebliss in the past because shipping to WI was still reasonable, but I didn't see it there yet.

Other Games / Re: So I did a thing ... need advice ...
« on: January 06, 2023, 05:12:09 PM »
For the unstructured approach, I feel like Discord is a very active place for gaming vs. Facebook and the like.

Great, now I need to buy again.
If it has the Gingerbreadman, I'm in too.

Official Rules / Re: The bets
« on: December 11, 2022, 09:24:08 AM »
Puzzled why Cundco printed the rules sheet for The Bets on full A4 paper since that makes it larger than a Carcassonne box.   :( Going to reprint from the pdf on their website and shrink it down to A5 to make at least the height consistent with The Peasant Revolts and The Signposts.

General / Re: I love the postman...
« on: December 08, 2022, 05:41:41 PM »
Delivery from today.  Continuing my Spiel collection and beginning my 3.0.

The Marketplace / Re: Spiel 2020 tile giveaway
« on: December 05, 2022, 05:59:13 PM »
Same here; +1 merit from me and good luck to anyone participating!
Same same here ;-)  +1 merit from me.

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