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Messages - gamgeefan2

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The Marketplace / Re: Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 26, 2023, 06:32:11 AM »

@Ker42 would be 19.98 + 7.99 = 27.97 Euro * 1.08 USD/Euro = $30.27
@Doom_Shark would be 19.98 + 7.99 + 19.99 = 47.96 Euro * 1.08 USD/Euro = $51.91
@gamgeefan2 would be 19.99 + 7.99 + 19.99 = 47.97 Euro = $51.92

I'll DM you my email address for Paypal, and as I see notable tracking updates I'll post here.  Thanks!

The Marketplace / Re: Giant Carcassonne Tiles!
« on: May 24, 2023, 05:03:02 PM »
Hey guys,
I mailed Ted if he still have these coasters sets.
His answer was yes and he can ship these to the Netherlands or other countries
If you are interested please post it down below.
Hi @The-Edge, in what country is Ted located?  These would be fun to get, but joining the Europe group buy probably won't help get them to me in the US.  :)

The Marketplace / Re: Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 23, 2023, 04:42:01 PM »
Order placed!  I will DM both of you once I can see the Euro to USD exchange rate applied by my bank.

The Marketplace / Re: Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 22, 2023, 04:05:54 PM »

I assume we'll be sending addresses via dm, as well as payment details
Yes, that's my thought too.

The Marketplace / Re: Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 22, 2023, 04:05:27 PM »
Yeah.  What's the cost and how soon do you need it?
My proposal is equal 3-way split of the 59.95 Euro shipping costs, or 19.98/each since we're each getting one map, and that's what drives the shipping.  If that's mutually agreeable then totals follow:
@Ker42 would be 19.98 + 7.99 = 27.97 Euro * 1.08 USD/Euro = $30.27
@Doom_Shark would be 19.98 + 7.99 + 19.99 = 47.96 Euro * 1.08 USD/Euro = $51.91
@gamgeefan2 would be 19.99 + 7.99 + 19.99 = 47.97 Euro = $51.92
As soon as you both agree, I'll trigger the order.

I'll know the exact Euro to USD exchange rate when the Paypal charge hits my bank (bank's exchange rate historically better than Paypal's!).  I'll DM you each with my email address for you to Paypal me for your share of the Cundco order cost, and as long you can pay me within a couple weeks I'm good.  While in transit from Germany, I can get your address info and to be ready for the final shipments to each of you.

The Marketplace / Re: Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 21, 2023, 02:40:47 PM »
Status as of 09-May:
Gamgeefan: Nordics map; 3D Starting Landscape + alternative inlay
Doom_Shark: Nordics Map; 3D Starting Landscape + alternative inlay
Ker42: Nordics Map
@Doom_Shark and @Ker42, both still interested?

The contents, part 2

The contents, part 1

They should be complete* but I will share a full set of photos tonight to confirm.

*It is very possible I don't have the Scout tile anymore... because I don't have the original artwork Hunters and Gatherers I think I sold that one tile to someone who did.  I'll reduce the price $5 if I confirm that.  Sorry, this activity was some time ago and the cobwebs are just clearing.  :-)

And I do have the separately boxed mini-expansions for River II (I paid $40) and Cult, Siege, and Creativity (I paid $75).

Comprehensive coming photos tonight!

My Hills and Sheep was acquired as part of the Z-man Games English edition of Big Box 5 containing base game, river, Inns & Cathedrals, Trader & Builders, Hills & Sheep, and Wheel of Fortune for $79.  In retrospect, I'd prefer not to break up the box.  Any chance the whole set is interesting to you?

I (re)discovered that I bought the separately boxed Count of Carcassonne and King & Scout mini-expansions from Rio Grande Games that do have tiny English instruction sheets included.  I bought these 2 minis for a combined $26 (pre-shipping).  I can offer for that same $26 pre-shipping.

I also have the C1 edition Carcassonne Starttableau as an alternative to the 12 individual tiles in CoC, which incidentally is still available on for 1.99 Euro.

I have both in English that I'd be willing to sell.  Let me check which I bought as separately packaged expansions vs ones I got as part of a Big Box, because if part of a Big Box there wouldn't be a box or independent instruction sheet.  Would be posting from the US so shipping won't be cheap!

The Marketplace / Re: Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 09, 2023, 05:11:37 PM »
I'm interested in 1 Nordics map.
Gotcha covered.  Added you to the buy list in my original post.

The Marketplace / Re: Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 03, 2023, 04:55:46 AM »
I'd be interested in this

Doom_Shark: Nordics Map and 3d starting landscape + inlay
Gotcha Doom_Shark.  Added you to my original post which I will update to reflect the order membership.

The Marketplace / Cundco spring 2023 US group buy
« on: May 01, 2023, 05:47:01 AM »
Any US members want to do a group buy?  Shipping for a single map is 44.95 Euro, but goes up to only 59.95 Euro with 5:  even split of shipping costs for the group order and then actual shipping cost from whoever hosts the order to each individual in the group.

Note: based on the Cundco site images, the 3.0 USA West map corrects the 3 misspellings in the original map.

If interested, please reply in this thread with your intended order content.  That will allow me to mock-up the order and provide a running estimate for shipping.  I have updated the item descriptions to be exactly how they appear in the Cundco shopping cart to be sure I've interpreted requests correctly.  If I got it wrong, please let me know.

Status as of 09-May:
Gamgeefan: Nordics map; 3D Starting Landscape + alternative inlay
Doom_Shark: Nordics Map; 3D Starting Landscape + alternative inlay
Ker42: Nordics Map

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